John Austin of Grimston 1782 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1782
This is the last Will and Testament of me John Austin of Grimston in the County of Leicester Grazier
First I desire to be Buried in a private and decent manner at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter named
And as for my Worldly Estate which hath pleased God to bless me with I Give and Dispose thereof as follows
In the first place I Give and Devise All that Messuage or Tenement Lands Hereditaments and premisses with the Appurtenances situate standing lying and being in Hose in the said County of Leicester and which I lately purchased to me and my Heirs of and from Joshua Sparrow Unto my two Brothers Thomas Austin and Valentine Austin their heirs and Assigns upon Trust nevertheless That they my said Two Brothers Thomas Austin and Valentine Austin and the Survivor of them and the Heirs and Assigns of such Survivor Do and shall Yearly and every year Collect and Receive the Rents and profitts of my said Estate and with such Rents and Profitts pay and Dispose of the same unto my Dear and Loving Wife Deborah Austin for and during the Term of her natural Life and from and Imediately after her Decease then I do direct my said two Trustees Thomas Austin and Valentine Austin and the Survivor of them and the Heirs and Assigns of such Survivor to pay and dispose of the said Rents and profitts of my said Messuage or Tenement Lands Hereditaments and Premisses for and towards the Maintenance and Education of my only Son Thomas Austin untill he arrives to his Age of Twenty one Years and when and as soon as he attains his said Age of Twenty one Years Then I do Give and Devise the aforesaid Messuage or Tenement Lands Hereditaments and Premisses so situate in Hose aforesaid unto my said only Son Thomas Austin his heirs and Assigns for ever
Also I Give and Bequeath unto my only Daughter Dolly Austin the sum of four hundred pounds to be paid her in manner following (that is to say) The Sum of Two hundred pounds part thereof when and as soon as she attains her age of Twenty one Years or day of Marriage Provided she Marrys with the Consent of my said Wife and my said two Trustees Thomas Austin and Valentine Austin But my mind and Will is that in Case my said Daughter shall marry without the Consent of my said Wife and my said Trustees Then I do direct the Sum of Two hundred pounds to be paid her when she attains her Age of Twenty five Years And the Remaining Sum of Two hundred pounds I do direct my said Two Trustees or the Survivor of them to pay unto my said Daughter Dolly Austin at such Time after my said Wifes Decease as they or the Survivor of them the said Thomas Austin and Valentine Austin shall think proper so that the said remaining Sum of Two hundred poundes is paid unto my said Daughter at the time she arrives to the Age of Twenty five Years And I do hereby Charge my Personal Estate with the just payment thereof
Also I Give and Bequeath all my Household Goods other Goods Stock Cattle Chattells Implements of Husbandry rights Credits ready Money and Securities of [sic] Money and all other my Personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever (after Payment of my Debts Legacy of four hundred pounds and funeral Charges) unto my said Two Brothers Thomas Austin and Valentine Austin and the Survivor of them and the Executors and Administrators of such Survivor Upon this Special Trust and Confidence that my said two Trustees Thomas Austin and Valentine Austin and the Survivor of them and the Executors and Administrators of such Survivor Do and Shall take the Management and Care of my Business of Grazing and Farming and my said Personal Estate and with the Interest and profitts arising from my said Business and Personal Estate yearly and every year pay and Dispose of the same unto my said Wife Deborah Austin for and during the Term of her Natural Life and from and immediately after her decease then to pay and apply the said Interest and profitts of my said Business and Personal Estate for and towards the maintenance and Education of my said only Son Thomas Smith untill he arrives to the Age of Twenty one years and when and as soon as he attains his said Age of Twenty one Years Then I do give and Bequeath my said Household Goods Stock Cattle Chattells Implements of Husbandry rights Credits ready Money and Securities of Money and all Interest and profitts that shall then be due for the same (after payment of my said Debts Legacy of four hundred pounds and funeral Charges as aforesaid) unto my said only Son Thomas Austin his Executors or Administrators
And Lastly I do Nominate Constitute and Appoint my said Brother Thomas Austin Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making Void all other Wills be me at any time heretofore made
In Witness whereof I the said John Austin the Testator Have Set my hand and seal this Eighth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty One
John Austin
Signed sealed Published and declared by the said John Austin the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament written on two Sheets of Paper to the first of the said Sheets of Paper hath set his hand and to the last hath fixed his Seal in the presence of us the Witnesses under written who have at his request and in his Presence and in the presence of each other set our hands as Witnesses to the Execution of this his said Will
And the interlineation made between the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Lines was done before the Publication hereof
Will Bishop
William Hart
Thos Brewster Junr Clk to Mr Stokes
8th May 1782 The within named Thomas Austin the sole Executor named in the within written will was then sworn to the Due Execution thereof before us
Wm Babington Commissary