Author Archives: HicklingAdmin

Are you a ‘Piscatorial Enthusiast?

We’re collecting your Hickling fishing stories – are you a “piscatorial enthusiast”?!

Unfortunately, we probably have to accept that the legend of the Whale of Hickling Basin is just a fishermen’s tale or a story to frighten the children; nevertheless, there are lots of fish.

We’d love to hear your fishing tales and memories and we’d love to hear from you if you fancy contributing an article about fishing in Hickling.

Follow the link for news clippings including the story of Min the fishing cat who successfully stole fish as they were pulled from the water to feed her kittens.

One of these news articles from 1932 records that, “Perhaps Hickling is principally known for its Basin which is a favourite haunt of piscatorial enthusiasts”, the writer goes on to describe a bream weighing 4lb6oz caught by a Mr Langford and which gave a “wonderful fight for fifteen minutes” and was proclaimed the largest catch for two seasons. “These are not fishermen’s weights but the actual ones, the fish being weighed before several of the enthusiastic villagers.”

Sadly, there are no longer any eels to be caught but pike and bream continue to be a sought after catch.

A new line of 12 fishing pegs was added in August 2023; hopefully, there are more fishing tales still to be written.

The Coronation of King Charles III

(3rd May 2023) It’s time to break out the bunting and get together with your neighbours (especially at the Plough Inn and the Village Hall)!!

Please take lots of photos over the Coronation Weekend and share them with us all by emailing

New page: The Coronation of King Charles III – click here

Dr Lucy Jocelyn Burnett

Welcome to the wonderful story of Dr Lucy Jocelyn Burnett – she was Hickling’s first lady doctor and she practised in our area from 1927 to 1935. Maggy Wadkin wrote that her arrival, ‘put the cat amongst the pigeons’ but that everyone quickly became very fond of her.

She was ‘a little slip of a thing’ but she did her rounds on an early Enfield motor-cycle or in her sports car and she was always accompanied by her dog, Christopher – he rode pillion on the back of the motorbike, wound up the local dogs with his barking and sat outside each home as the ‘Little Doc’ made her visits.

As a young woman of 26 when she came to the area she was a pioneer amongst women emerging in the medical profession and she undertook all the roles that you would expect; including weekly drop-in clinics at the Chapel, midnight dashes on horseback through the floods to attend a Hickling birth and the work we now associate with paramedics – first on the scene at accidents and tragedies across the Vale of Belvoir (the news clippings of these incidents paint a vivid picture of her life).

There are lots of anecdotes, news clippings and memories of her at her retirement and the time of her death – we hope you will come to love her as much as we do!!

In 1935 she moved to Clive in Shropshire where she remained until her death in the 1970s; we are very grateful to the local history group in Clive and Grinshill who have filled out her story and given us the only photographs we have of her. We hope that more will follow!

Dr Lucy Burnett with her motorbike and her dog, Christopher
Dr Lucy Burnett with her motorbike and her dog, Christopher

What traces of our lives do we leave behind us for future generations?

These days we leave a digital footprint and local historians routinely track through the formalities of our lives – headstones, memorials, dedications, parish records and legal documents. If they’re really lucky they might find a diary or journal.

Intriguingly, more personal traces can also be found – graffiti is a great example but also carvings were often based on real people – their likenesses (although sadly not their names) preserved for hundreds of years. Some of these may be self-portraits but others would have been villagers either loved, hated or ridiculed for posterity!

Photographs (below) include:

  • Poppy Head pew carvings which can be seen on the old pews in the choir stalls and by the choir vestry
  • graffiti on the church door and signatures scratched in to one of the East windows – these glass engravings seem to record craftsmen who worked on the Church and Church Officers including Churchwardens.

This year we plan to work on a detailed history of the Church and Churchyard – if you would like to help, please get in touch!

(credit; David Powell Nov 2022)
(credit; David Powell Nov 2022)
(credit; David Powell Nov 2022)
(credit; David Powell Nov 2022)
(credit; David Powell Nov 2022)

Photos credit: David Powell (Nov 2022)

(credit; David Powell Nov 2022)
(credit; David Powell Nov 2022)
(credit; David Powell Nov 2022)

How Hickling W.I. Has Put A Smile On The Faces Of Child Refugees From Ukraine.

Click here.

“One member made the comment that all a child needs as well as love is something to cuddle, something to read and to be able to feel emotionally comfortable. Another member then suggested we could make reading cushions or perhaps comfort quilts to be given to the children refugees –and so a project began!!”

“The WI initially envisaged making 10 items to give away as Christmas gifts to the locally housed Ukrainian children. It was thought that a reading cushion with a book and a soft toy in the pocket would be something which the children would treasure and also could be taken back with them when they eventually are able to return home.”

By the time of Ukrainian Christmas Day on January 7th, members of Hickling WI had made 80 reading cushions and quilts. Presentations have taken place in Hickling, Sutton Bonington, Keyworth and West Bridgford – the reaction of grateful families has been heartfelt (not to mention tearful).

“To see a 10yr old boy sit and hug his reading cushion was a memory which will stay with us all. To see the joy in a father’s eyes as he accepted an embroidered quilt for his newly born child following a traumatic escape from Odessa made all our efforts worthwhile and we all felt very humble.”

A genuinely inspirational project which helps in a way that makes a real difference.

(article published as part of our Tomorrow’s History project)

Hickling WI: Reading cushion project for child refugees from the Ukraine (Dec 2022)
Hickling WI: Reading cushion project for child refugees from the Ukraine (Dec 2022)