Author Archives: HicklingAdmin

Belvoir Angels: pages updated & expanded

The Belvoir Angel headstones are amongst our most distinctive and intriguing village artefacts; in recent weeks we have been working on updating the Belvoir Angel webpages and there is lots of new material to explore:

  • Belvoir Angels: general page including their style and history plus links to research, photos and a complete database of Angels across the Vale.
  • The Hickling Belvoir Angel Headstones: All about the Hickling headstones plus the story of the re-discovery of a 34th headstone which we thought had been lost – it is tiny and rather sad but also very beautiful.
  • The Cobblestones Angel: The story of a headstone found buried in a local garden and the hunt for the original stonemasons.
  • Angels but no Angels: The headstones which have all the right characteristics but which have no angel carvings.

We hope you enjoy exploring!

Streets & Lanes/Houses & Buildings

Where would you find Faulks Lane or Mawkin Lane or Willoughby Road or The Washpit or the Horse Causey in Hickling? Have you seen images of Hickling’s thatched cottages or cruck cottages? Do you know why Pudding Lane is called Pudding Lane?

We have just finished uploading images from the Wadkin collection to our ‘Streets and Lanes of Hickling‘ page and our ‘Houses & Buildings‘ page – why not explore?

There is still a great deal to be done; we need to add extracts from Hazel’s books and information and photos from our other collections; please contact us if you would like any further information or anything that you would like to add.

The Speed family

Can you help with information about Jean and Margaret Speed who attended Hickling Village School in the 1950s? We have been contacted by their family who would like to know where they lived in the village and anything else anyone would like to pass on – please contact us if you are able to help.

We have uploaded the information that we have so far for the family; there seem to be three separate time periods beginning in the 1700s, present in the village again in the mid- to late-1800s (including a spell at The Plough Inn) and lastly in the mid-1900s.

Parish Registers – access to original records

(February 2022) We now have scanned images of the original Parish Registers for Hickling (Births, Deaths and Marriages); unfortunately, there is still a considerable amount of work to be done.

The Hickling records begin in 1646 and they carry great signs of the people involved: massive ink blots that have soaked through several pages; notes with extra information, even doodles & sketches. Each Rector has his own style and, inevitably, greater or lesser degrees of illegible handwriting …

Ultimately, we hope to be able to make transcriptions available but, in the meantime, if you would like to check any of your research against the original entries, please contact us.

The Marshall family – The Manor, Hickling.

W1086a Marshall family - Hickling Manor 1904
W1086a Marshall family – Hickling Manor 1904

We are searching for Hannah Mary Marshall who was born in Upper Broughton in 1882 and grew up at The Manor in Hickling. She lived there until it was sold in 1915. We have some records of her up to 1921 but nothing after that.The family of Nancy Marshall are seeking any information that might help them to locate her; key locations include – Hickling, Clipsham, Hoveringham, West Bridgford and Mansfield (possibly London). Also, sadly, Bingham Workhouse and the County Asylum (later Saxondale Hospital).If you can help or would like further information, please contact us.

The photograph (from The Horseman by JH Marshall) shows the Marshall children at The Manor; Hannah was the eldest child of the family and is likely to be shown here sitting on the pony and holding the dog.

How much do you know about the Hickling Standard?

(Chairman, Tim McEwen – Dec 2021) “The reason we have a newsletter is because I was at a Village Hall meeting in the autumn of 1998 and mentioned that Hickling used to have a newsletter, but had not had one for a long time. Everyone said it was a really good idea and as I had brought up the subject I had better do something about it! So I did, and here we are more than 20 years later.”

All issues of the Hickling Standard are now available on the website including a history and just a few of those bits of miscellanea you never realised you wanted to know: Please contact us if there is anything you wish to add!

Is your family name Starbuck?

In recent months we have been working alongside family history researchers in America, Australia and New Zealand in an attempt to work out Starbuck family connections and pin down the dates and details of emigrations from the UK. We are aware of a core Starbuck presence across the Midlands – Notts, Leics, Lincs, Derbys and Staffs.

The James T Foord
The James T Foord

Researchers are keen to trace members of the male-line Starbucks who have taken Y-DNA tests (or may be interested in taking tests). In particular, a researcher in America is keen to find connections to her Nantucket Starbucks (famous whaling family and the inspiration for the novel, Moby Dick).

If you can help or have any queries or if you would like to become involved in this project, please contact us and we will put you in touch.

(Please note; this research is being carried out by historians outside Hickling (Notts) LHG – participation is entirely at individual’s own discretion.)