John Bailey of Eaton 1522 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/251 page 166
In dei nominee Amen the yer of our lord god mccccc and xxii the Furst day of May I John bayly of Eyton hole mynd make my testament in this maner of wysse
First I bequeyth my soule to Almyghty god to our lady Seynt Mary and to all the holy company of heven and my body to be beried in the church of Seynt Outlake in Eyton
Also I bequeyth for my mortuary my best gud as the law requyth
Also I bequeyth to the hye Alter iiiid
Also I bequeyth to our lady of Lincoln iiiid
Also I bequeyth to the sepulcrye light iiiid
Also I bequeyth to the church of Eyton iiii sheype
Item to Seynt Jamys lyght iiiid
Also I bequeyth [sic]
Item I bequeyth to Branston church vid
Also I bequeyth the Residew of my gudds into the hands of Margaret Bayley my wyff and to Syr Thomas Bayley my sonne the wych I make my executors they to dispose them as they thynke best for the elth of my soule
Witnese thereof John Burton vicar Willm Read John Howett Thomas Grey with other moo