John Bailey of Holwell 1563 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/254
There are two copies of this will, the original which is mainly easily readable but with a large piece missing on the right hand side, and the probate copy which is intact
In the name of god Amen In the yere of our Lorde god A thowsande five hundrethe lxiii the xviith day of Marche I John Bayllye of Hollwell in the countie of Leicester husbandman Seke in Bodye but hole in mynde & of good & perfect Remembrance make this my Laste will and testament as hereafter folowithe
Fyrste I bequiethe my soule to the father allmightie & to all the holy company of heaven & my body to be buryed in the churchyearde of Apeketylbye
Also I gyve to Ursula Muncke my wyffes dawghter xs in Amendement of her part gyven her by her mother in her wydowhede which ys iiii li
Also I gyve to Agnes Muncke xs in amendement of the lyke porcon & parte
Also I gyve to Ales Bayly my dawghter vi li
Also I gyve to Alice Bayly my dawghter vi li
Also I gyve to Jone Bayly my dawghter vi li
Yf they departe this present lyfe before they come to lawfull age I will the parte to Remayne and be devyded amongeste the other that be Alyve & I will theis foresaide legacyes to be delivered so sone as maye be that ys when they come to Lawfull age
Also I bequiethe to Gilbert Muncke halfe a quarter of Rye & halfe a quarter of Barlye
Also I gyve to Evererde Muncke halfe a quarter of Rye halfe a quarter of barleye an ewe and a Lambe
Also I bequiethe to the parishe churche of Abkeytylbye ii strykes of Barleye & to the chappell of Hollwell one strike of Barleye Also to the churche of Claxton one stryke of barley
Also I gyve to everye one of my godchildren iiiid
Also I gyve to Agnes Brewster my dawghter and ewe & a lambe and to her dawghter Mary an ewe & a lambe & halfe a quarter of Barleye
Also I gyve to Mawde my dawghter ii ewes & ii lambes & halfe a quarter of barley
Also I gyve to John my Sonne my ferme & Landes in Hollwell for ever
Also yf yt fortune that he departe this present lyfe before he come to lawfull age I will that Alice my dawghter have the ferme and land paying to the other of her Systers amongeste them all xx li & so to enioye the same to her & her heyres for ever
The Resydewe of my goodes unbequiethed I gyve to John my Sonne & to my wyfe I gyve the thyrde parte of my goodes & Cattalls
Also I gyve to Annes … an ewe and a lambe & to her two boyes either of them a shepe hogge
Also I gyve to the Vicar for forgotten tythes xiid
And I do ordayne & make Roberte Crosse of Hollwell & John Pare of Abkeytylbye my full executors & eyther of them to have for their paynes vs
Also I will & ordayne Robert Shepdeson of Apkeytilby and Willm Hadsby of Welby myne overseers of this my last will and testament & they to have for their paynes either of them iiis iiiid
Also I gyve to the mother churche of Lincolne xiid
John Crosse Robert More John Townes William Caunte Richard Hurste Roberte Howett