John Bailey of Eaton 1672 Will and Inventory
There are two different John Bailey of Eaton wills proved in 1672 and two inventories taken on 31 May 1672. One of the inventories is attached to a bond which states the executor and so it has been possible to assign that to the relevant will. Only one burial has been found at Eaton at the right time, on 21 May 1672.
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1672
This is a probate copy of the will with blanks in it which do not relate to items which would have been waiting clarification but which might not have been filled in, so it would seem that the original will was already damaged by the time the probate copy was made
In the name of God Amen I John Bealey of Eaton in the County of Leicester husbandman beinge sicke and weake in Body but whole and perfect in memory and understanding thankes bee unto Allm[“ighty God” missing] for the same doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament this nine and twenty day of Aprill and in the [space] Lord Christ one thousand six hundred seaventy and two in manner and forme followeinge
First I bequeathe my Soule [“into” missing] the handes of Allmighty God my maker hopeinge to bee saved by the death and passion of Jesus Christ my Redeemer and by [“no other” missing] meanes and my body to the Earth from whence it came and to bee buried in the Church yeard of Eaton aforesaid
Item It is my minde and Will that my Sonne John Bealey shall have the one messuage and foure osken of Land beinge in Wikeham and Caudwell and within the precinkes of Roathly Court and the dwellinge house and yeard and four [space] belonging thereunto to have and fully Injoy to his owne proper use and occupation after my decease for the time of Eight yeares to come hee payinge the rent of Seaventeene pounds a yeare the Cheefe rentes the Taxes Subsitty money and the Chimdy money beinge excepted debated and taken of not any of it for him to pay but onely the yearly rent of seaventeen poundes a yeare and noe more
Item it is my will and minde that my Sonne John Bealy shall have the great Black mare and the Blacke filly and the red Starre mare and the Brocke mare to have to his owne propper use after my decease
Item also the newe tumbrel with raves and Staves and a set of [space] belonginge thereunto plowe and plowe geares Sheep Cribber and Harrowes and Beastes standings and the Hovell and fould fleakes and all the rest of the wood in and about the House and yeard and all the Pease Barley and Heay that is now upon the said Messuage To have and to hould after my decease one Sowe and pigges and foure Cowes Three heffers and two Calves
Item ewes and Lambs and some to lamb beinge ould sheepe three and fifty in number and nine lambe Hogges of the worst sort to be left for him there at Wycham
Item it is my will and minde that John shall have the third part of the Iron yeoakes teames Cleaveses and the third part of all the loose Iron about the house in Eaton whatsoever and a Carte Tyre at Wycham and my two Books I doe give unto him unto my Sonne John Bealey my Bible and the Booke of Hommiles to have after my decease and all the rest of my goods Cattle and Chattells moveable and unmovable beinge at Wycham I doe wholly give them all unto my sonne John Bealey exceptinge the Broad Pann that Jane is to have John makeing use of it as longe as she stayes with him there and the pillion pillion Cloath and a Set of Curtaines and the Chest shee is to have or else to buy her a new one instead of it and her Boxe and the Glasse Case she is to have and six ewes and Lambes at present and which six ewes and Lambes are to goe with the number of Johns at Wycham and it is my minde and will that my sonn John Bealey shall pay unto my daughter Jane Bealey six and twenty pounds thirtteene shillings and foure pence out of the Estate there at Wycham to bee paid unto her for her portion when shee comes to the age of foure and twenty yeares
And all the rest of my Goods beloninge to the said message [sic] in Wycham I doe give them all wholly unto my Sonne John Bealey whom I doe make the trew and lawfull executor of this my last Will and Testament and thus requestinge Mr John Holden Minister of Eaton in the County of Leicester to bee one Supervisor and I give him a Strike of Wycham Barley for his Paines and I beseech and request Robert George of Eaton and my Brother William Charter of Hambleton in the County of Rutland to bee the other Supervisors of this my last Will and Testament prayinge and beseechinge them to be aidinge and assistinge unto my Executor in all kind of Causes good and lawfull whatsoever
In wittnesse whereof to this my last Will and Testament I have put to my hand seale and marke in the presence of these Witnesses the day and yeare above written
It is my will that my Brother William Charter and Robert George shall have twelve pence apeece for their paines
John Bealey his mark & Seale
John Holden minister
Robert George
44’28 1332/134
Maye 31 &c 1672 A true & perfect Inventorye of all the goods & Chattles that John Bailie of Eaton in the Countie of Leicester husbandman late deceased estimated & praised by us the daie & yeare above written
£ | s | d | |
Impris In the hall A table a Furme a Chaire a buffet stoolle & a Cubbert Irons | |||
about the fire | 1 | 0 | 0 |
In the parlour a trusse bed a trundle bed with furniture theirunto belonginge | |||
& other Linings | 5 | 0 | 0 |
Item in the store Chamber Barlie Wheate pease, Cheese, & other Implements | 1 | 13 | 4 |
In the Buttery 3 barrills & tubs, milke vesells, & other Implements | 0 | 16 | 0 |
In the Kitchin a brasse pott 3 panns a brandiron & Coales | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Item one Cart & geers one plowe & geers harrow hovell & Fould of trayes | 3 | 6 | 8 |
Item Foure mares valet | 13 | 6 | 8 |
Item Foure folles 3 heifers a little bull & two wained Calves | 13 | 0 | 0 |
Item 60 sheepe ould & younge | 15 | 0 | 0 |
Item a Sowe & 2 pigs & pullin | 1 | 10 | 0 |
Item ould hay & the Crop of Corne & grasse in the field | 35 | 0 | 0 |
Itm things not seene or forgotten | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Sum | 91 | 16 | 6 |
Thomas Wright
William Charter
Robert George
Bond, bound John Bealey husbandman of Wycomb and Chadwell and Edward Glossup yeoman of Goadby Marwood 1672, condition bound John Bealey son and sole executor of John Bealey late of Eaton to execute will
Signum Johis Bealey
Signum Edward Glossam