George Baker of Eaton 1568 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/259 page 23
In the name of god amen the yere of our Salvation 1568 that I George Baker of Eyton sicke in bodie but perfecte in memory do make this my Laste will & Testamente as foloweth
Firste I bequethe my soule into the mercyfull tuition of allmightie god and to his sonne Jhesus christe my onely saviour and Redemer and my bodie to be buryed in the churche yearde of Eyton
Firste I give to the cathedrall churche of Lincoln iid
I give to the poore mens boxe of Eyton iid
I give to Jerome my sonne xiii shepe
I give to Robert my sonne the debte that my brother John Baker dothe owe me & that he shall bringe him uppe in learninge or some other occupacon till he come to Lawfull age with him or his assignes
I give to John my sonne xv shepe
I give to Dorothie my daughter xv shepe
I give to Willm my sonne xv shepe and that the ionger to chose when the shepe are sett in fower partes
I give to Elizabethe my wyffe a cowe and a quye and all my howsholde stuffe and xxs in monie that I have owinge me for a mare and xvs that Grene of Statherne owethe me
And further it is agrede betwene John Baker and the said Elizabethe that he shall have the Lambes and well [?] to paye the debtts that my husbande George Baker dothe owe
Further if anie of my iiii children departe this Lyfe afore they come to Lawfull age that then my wyll is their partes shalbe devyded amongeste them & so to the longest Lyver & they to take their partes at Lawfull age
Further I will that John Baker my brother be my executor of this my last will
Also I will that Alexander Tompson to be my supervisor of this my will & testament
Witnes hereof Willm Squire vicar Alexander Tompson John Baker Thomas Simonde with other
I give to John Baker two paire of sheeres
Probate Leicester 7 August 1568