John Baker of Eaton 1579 Will
National Archives PROB 11/61/25
In the name of God Amen the Eight and Twentieth day of December in the yeare of oure Lorde god 1578 I John Baker of Eiton in the Countie of Leic beinge sicke in bodie but of good and perfecte Remembrance (thankes be to god) doe ordeine and make this my last will and Testament in maner and forme followinge
First I bequeath my soule to Almightie god And my bodie to be buried in the Chancell of Eiton
Item I give to the Churche of Lincolne six pence
Item I give all that my parte or porcon of my parsonage within Eyton with all the glebe lande and all the tithes bothe of Corne and grasse and all other commodities thereto belonginge or in any wise appertayninge with all other my Landes both in Eiton and Broughton or ells where within the Countie of Leyc not before given to John Baker my eldest sonne by deed as in the saide deed more at large it doth and maye appeare unto Dorathie Baker my wief during her lief, and after her decease I doe give and bequeathe all the saide parte or porcon of the saide parsonage with all the glebe lande and all the tithes both of Corne and grasse with all other the comodities thereto belonginge, and all other my Landes both in Eyton and Broughton or ells where within the Countie of Leic to Robert Baker my younger sonne, and to the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten, and for want of such heires to the heires males of John Baker, my eldest sonne lawfully begotten And for want of such heires, to the right heires of me the saide John Baker forover
Item I give to John Baker my sonne fortie sheep
Item I give unto Isabell Baker my daughter a hundred markes in money
Item I give unto everie one of my brother George Bakers Children one lame hogg
Item I give to Robert Baker my brother Twentie shillinges
Item I give to Johan Fowler my maide three ewes
All the rest of my goodes not bequeathed (my debtes beinge payde and my Funeralls dischardged) I doe give and bequeath to Dorathie Baker my wief whom I doe make the executrix of this my last will and Testament
Item I doe ordeine and make [sic]
Item I make Mr Henry Hawtrey and Mr William Hartop the overseers of this my Last will and Testament
Theis beinge witnesses Henry Hawtrey the writer hereof Robert Wryte William Squiar vicar of Eaton William Baylye
Probate London 15 January 1578/9 to Dorothy Baker relict and executrix