John Baker of Eaton 1590 Will
National Archives PROB 11/76/310
In the name of God Amen The Seavententh daye of June in the yeare of our Lord God one thowsand five hundred and nynty I John Baker of Eaton in the Countie of Leicester beinge sicke in bodie but of good and perfect remembraunce thankes be unto Almightie God do ordayne and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following
First I bequeath my sowle unto Almightie God And my bodie to be buried in the Chancell of Eaton
Item I give unto the Cathedrall church of Lincolne six pence
Item I give all that my part or portion of my parsonage within Eaton with all the glebe lande and all the tythes both of corne and grasse and all other commodities thereto belonginge or in any wise appertayninge with all other my landes both in Eaton and Broughton or els where within the Countie of Leicester unto Alice Baker my wife duringe her life natural And after her decease I doe give and bequeath all the said part or portion of the said parsonage with all the glebe lande and all the tythes both of corne and grasse with all other the commodities thereto belonginge and all other my landes both in Eaton and in Broughton or els where within the Countie of Leicester to Dorothie Baker and Frauncis Baker my daughters and to the heires of theire bodies lawfully begotten
Item I give unto Dorothie Baker my daughter in money Fortie poundes
Item I give to Frauncis Baker my Daughter in money Fortie poundes to be paied unto the saied Dorothie and Frauncis at their severall ages of one and twenty years
Item I will that yf it shall please God to take either of my said Daughters to his mercie out of this worlde before that age Then I will that my other daughter shall have her portion
Item I give unto Dorothie Baker George Bakers Daughter thirtie shillings
Item I give unto every one of my uncle George Bakers sonnes That is to saye Robert Baker John Baker and William Baker thirteene shillings fower pence
Item I give unto my sister Margery West one eaw and a lambe
Item I give unto my sister Jane West one eawe and a lambe
Item I give to Roger Knight and his two sisters every one of them a lambe
Item I give to Mr William Ellis of Lyncolne two olde anngells
All the rest of my goodes unbequeathed my debts beinge paied and my funerall Discharged I do give and bequeath to Alice Baker my wife whom I doe make the full Executrix of this my last will and Testament
I will that Mr William Ellis shalbe the Overseer of this my will and testament
Witnesses William Baylie Robert Borgan William Cooke Richard Knight and John Baker
Probate London 13 November 1590 to Alice relict and executrix