Robert Baker of Eaton 1543 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1543/26
In the name of god Amen The xixth daie of October in the yeyr of our lord god mcccccxliii I Robert Baker of good And perfyte memory make my testament And last wyll In fourme And manner as here folowethe
Fyrst I bequeythe my soull to Almyghty god to our lady Sent Mary And to all the celestyall company of heyvyn And my boddy to be bureyde in the cheurche of Sent Guthlake of Eyton
Also I bequeythe to the vicar to praye for me iiis iiiid
Also I bequeythe to the cheurche of Eyton iiis iiiid
Also I bequeythe to the mother cheurche of Lyncolne iiiid
Also I bequeythe to Wantary cheurche viiid
Also I bequeythe to Gawdeby cheurche viiid
Also I bequeythe to Estwall cheurche viiid
Also I bequeythe to Stakthorne cheurche viiid
Also I bequeythe to Braunston cheurche viiid
Also I bequeythe for ii trentallys xxs
Also I bequeythe to everyon of my god chylder iiiid
Also I bequeythe to every poure boddy in the towne at the daie of my burryeng A penny
Also I bequeythe to Alys Hewarddyn wyffe iis
Also I bequeythe to Augustyne Hewarddyn viiid
Also I bequeythe to Elyis [?] Hewarddyn viiid
Also I bequeythe to Wyllm my sone fyve markes to George fyve markes to Robert fyve markes to Alys fyve markes to Elezabeth fyve markes to Margaryt fyve markes to Jone fyve markes to Izabell fyve markes
The resydew of my goodes unbequeytheyd I gyve And bequeythe them to Izabell my wyffe And to John my sone whom I make my full executoures And they to dyspose them for the helthe of my soull As they thynke best
Wytnes by Thomas Walker the vycar Thomas Wryght Wyllm Tomblyn with other moo
Thys is the tru Inventory of the goodes of Robert Baker of Eyton lately dyscessed praysed by iiii honest men Wyllm Read Thomas Tomson Symond Bealy Hew Kyllyngley And John Harbarde the Apparitour
In the Alle | |
In primis on table on fourme on haumbre ii cheyres vi coshynes | viiis viiid |
In the parlar | |
Itm iiii payer of flaxyn shetes And vi payer of hardyn shetes | xviis |
Itm iii harkes | iiis |
Itm iii standing beddes | xiid |
Itm ii coverleyts And on mattris | vis viiid |
Itm on gowyn ii iakeyts ii dobeleyts on payer of house | xxs viiid |
In the kechyn | |
Itm ii brase potts | iiiis |
Itm iii panes | ixs |
Itm the pewder vessell | vs |
Itm ii bruyng tubbes And ii leydes | iiis |
Itm on … on payer of … payer of tonges And on payer of pott hookes | xviiid |
Itm on spenyng wele And on hen pen | viid |
Itm ii pott hengylles And on lanndourn of yron to heng them on | xiid |
Itm iiii candellstykes | iiis |
In the yarde | |
Itm ii horse vi oxyn vi mylche kye | v li |
Itm vi swyne | xs |
Itm A … of woll | xlvis viiid |
Itm the corne in the barne | vi li xiiis iiiid |
Itm ii weynes ii plowes with all thyngs perteyning to them | xxvis viiid |
Itm on hovyll of wode with the wode in the yarde | vis viiid |
Itm the fould of treys And ii … | iiis iiiid |
Itm the hey | xxs |
In the feylde | |
Itm iii score shepe | iii li |
Itm on Aker of weyet | iiiis |
Itm ii Akers of rye | vis |
Sum | xxiiii li ixs |