Ann Bampton of Stathern 1882 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives DE 462/25
In the Name of God amen The last Will and Testament of me Ann Bampton of Stathern in the County of Leicester Widow
I hereby Give unto faithful Servant John Dobbins my Red and White Cow and request my Executor hereinafter appointed to allow him the said John Dobbins the use rent free of the House in which I reside together with use of the furniture therein for the space of Six Months after my decease
I give also unto Ann Stevens Starbuck the sum of £1 requesting my sd Executor to pay the same in four equal Instalments to the Prudential Insurance Office on her behalf
All other whether real or personal property of which I die possessed I leave unto my Nephew William Marshall Silversmith, Grantham Subject to the payment thereout of all my funeral & Testamentary Exes & all my just debts & I hereby name him Sole Exor of this my Will
Ann Bampton her Cross
Signed with a Cross in the presence of us who were both present at the same time & witnessed the cross of the Testatrix as well as each others signatures
P Clark, Surgeon
William Alderman
The will without date but in fact executed on the Second day of November 1881 was Proved at Leicester on the Twenty eighth day of February 1882 by the Oath of William Marshall the Nephew the Sole Executor to whom Administration was granted
The Testatrix Ann Bampton was late of Stathern in the County of Leicester Widow and died on the Third day of November 1881 at Stathern aforesaid
Gross Personal Estate £27.16.6. No deduction
Burton Son and King Solicitors Nottingham