Anthony Bardsey 1654 of Scalford Will
National Archives PROB 11/234/298
In the name of God Amen [“I Anthony Bardsey” missing] of Scalford in the County of Leicester beinge weake of Bodye but of perfect memory and understanding (praysed bee god therefore) Doe make and ordeyne this my last will and Testament In manner & Forme followinge Dated the Nynth day of May one Thousand six hundred Fiftie fowre
First I bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almighty god hopeinge to bee partaker of life eternall Through the merritts of his Sonne Jesus Christ
My body I would have decently interred in the Chancell of Scalford amongst my Anncesters
And for my personall goods and estate I dispose of it thus
First I bequeath unto the wife of my Cozzen George Fisher a ringe which is in my Truncke haveinge twoe little Dyamonds and a Rubye in it
Alsoe I give unto my Brother in law Ralph Frisbye my best suite of weareinge apparel withe the Coate belongeinge thereunto and alsoe my hatt
Alsoe I give unto his Sonne Richard Frisbye three poundes of good and lawfull money of England to bee paied within six months next after my decease
Alsoe I give three powndes more unto his Daughter Elizabeth now married to Francis Edgson
Alsoe I give Fortie shillings to his daughter Joane
Whereas Mr Anthony Beaumont oweth mee tenne poundes I remitt and release the same unto him and would not have it called for
I would have my watch sent unto Master Thomas Doughty
I give my second shute of weareing apparell to William Daft with my greate Coate the little Coate to Richard Toone
I give Five shillinges to goodwife Baxter and Five shillings more to Elizabeth Servant now in the house with mee
Alsoe I give unto Master William Coles vicar of Scalford twenty shillinges
All the rest of my Estate goodes Debts Dues and Demands whatsoever (A note whereof I have left under my own hand) I give and bequeath them all to my Loveing Sister Sarah Bardsey of Scalford whom I doe hereby nominate and make my sole Executrix of this my last Will & Testament
And thus revokeing all Wills by mee formerly made I publish this as my last will and Testament
Witnesse my hand and Seale hereunto put the day and yeare above written
Anthony Bardsey
Signed Sealed and published in the presence of
William Coles
William Franke his marke
Stephen Attwood [sic but this was a probate copy and it was probably meant to read Stephen Awood/Auwood]
This Will was proved at Westminster the tenth day of the moneth of June in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand six hundred fiftie fowre Before the Judges for probate of Wills & granting Administracons lawfully Authorized By the Oath of Sarah the Sister & sole Executrix in the Same will named To whom was Committed Administracon of the goods chattles & debts of the said decd she being Sworne by Comon truly to Administer &c