Margerie Bardsey of Scalford 1647 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1647/14
In the name of God Amen the eleaventh day of February Anno: Dom: 1646 I Margerie Bardsey of Scallford in the County of Leicester Widow being weakly and sickly in body but of good and perfect memory (God be praysed therefore) do ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following vizt
First I give and bequeath my soule to Allmighty God my Creator from whom I received the same hopeing assuredly through the mercy and the onely All Sufficient meritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour to be partaker of life everlasting
And my body I bequeath to the earth from whence it was taken to be buried in Christian buriall in the Chancell of Scallford
And for my worldly goods I dispose of them in manner and forme following vizt
I give and bequeath to my Grand child Elizabeth Frisby two kine and fourty shillinges in mony the two bedsteds in the Chamber I now lie in with one fether bed two matterisses two coverleds foure blankets two boulsters two little pillowes two paire of course sheets one paire of fine sheets one dozen of napkins one great brasse pan one little brasse pott one of the bigger brasse kettles the lead to brew in one deepe brasse pan two chaires in the hall one flanders chest in the Chamber one little table in the Chamber all the pewter except the ure and bason one salt seller two milking pailes two buffet stooles one cubboard in the chamber one Trunke one old chest a paire of blades a paire of bellowes one flasket a reele a basket one of the warming pans the fire=iron fire shovel & rack=irons in the Hall and all my wearing clothes lining and woolen to be given to her within sixe months after the probate of my will
Item to Katherine Baxter one heigh bed in the kitchin to be delivered to her
Item to Ralph Frisby my sonn in law I doe give five pounds to him to be payd within sixe monethes after probate of my will
Item I doe give unto John Frisby two kine to be delivered to him within sixe meneths after the probate of my will
Item I doe give unto Richard Frisby fourety shillinges to be payd to him within sixe monthes after the probate of my will
The rest of my goods cattells and chattells whatsoever and allso all the arrearages dues and profitts whatsoever to me belonging and whatsoever and payable forth of my annuity from my daughter in law Mrs Elizabeth Bardsley of Gummerby neigh Grantham to me by right in any wise due and payable my debts and funeral charges being first defrayed I doe give and bequeath wholly to my Grand child James Bardsey who I doe make to be my sole and onely Executor of this my last will and testament desiring him (if it please God) to restore him to his parsonage againe to give unto my Grand children Nevill, Thomas, Mary, Jaine and Elizabeth Dixon fourty shillinges a peice and to be as kind to them as his estate will give him leave provided alwayes and it is my will that if the goods above bequeathed shall either by plunder or any other way be taken from my Executor abovesaid that he neither can shall nor doth inioy them then my will is that my Executor shall not be liable to pay the abovesaid legasies nor any one of them
And thus revoaking all former wills by me made I doe make publish and declare this to be my last will and testament
In wittnes whereof I have hereunto put to my hand and seale the day and yeare above written
The marke & seale of Margerie Bardsey
In the presence of
George …
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