George Barker of Wycomb 1626 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1626
In the name of God Amen The third daye of Maye and in the yere of our Lord God One thowsand sixe hundred Twentye and sixe I George Barker of Wickham in the Countye of Leicester husbandman sicke in bodye but of perfect memorye (praysed bee God) doe make and ordeyne this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme followenge
First I bequeath my soule to Allmightie God hopeinge that by the merritts of Jhesus Christ I shall obteyne everlastinge life
Alsoe I yealde upp my bodye to the earth out of which it came desiringe it maye bee buryed in the Church yard of Cawdwell
And for my goods and Cattells thus I dispose
Inprimis I bequeath and give unto each of my Children Twelve pence
Item I bequeath and give unto my wife all my personall estate makinge her my Lawfull executor
In witness hereof I have Caused this my last will and Testament to bee made and have hereunto sett my hand and seale the daye and yere abovesaide
George Barker his marke
Witnesses to this will John Smyth William Watchorne
Probate Rothley 2 October 1626 to Agnes Barker relict and executrix