William Bealey of Grimston 1724 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1724
In the name of God Amen the fourth day of July 1723 according to the Computation of the Church of England I William Bealey of Grimston in the County of Lester shepard Doe make and ordine this my Last will and Testament in maner and forme following
First I Bequath my soul to the hands of Allmighty God my make [“hoping” or similar missing] that through the meritorious Death and Passion of Jesus Christ my only saviour and Redeemer to Recive free pardon and for giveness of all my sins and ass for my Body to be Buried in Christian Buriel at the Decretion of my Executor her after nominated
Imprimis I Give to my son Thomas Bealey one Shiling
Item I Give to my Daughter Meary Woolletton one Shiling
Item I Give to my Grandaughter Meary Woolletton the sum of five shilings
Item I Give to my Granson William Woolletton the sum of five shilings
Item I Give to my Grandaughter Meary Bealey the Daughter of Thomas Bealey the sum of five Shilings
Item I Give to John Mellowes one sheep
Item I Give to my son John Bealey the sum of two pounds two Shilings
And all the Rest of my Goods and Chattels I Give unto my son Robert Bates and my Daughter Sariah his wife upon the Conditton that thay shall pay all my Debts and Legacies and Buriel charges and make them my sole Executors of this my Last will and Testament and utterly Revoke all former wills that hath been by me made
In wittness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seale
William Bealey his mark
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of
John Kellam
William Hodge
William Freeston
Item I Give to my Grandaughter Sariah Bates the Brass Ban [sic]
Item I desir that my son Robert Battes and his wife will keep John Melled two yeares if aney misfortunate hapnes to John Melled in this two years time my Son John Bealey is to take care of him
Probate to Robert Bates 6 May 1724