Anne Bell of Cropwell Butler 1653 Will
The National Archives PROB 11/226/690
January the Seventeenth One Thousand Sixe hundred Forty and Nine In the name of God Amen I Anne Bell of Cropwell Butler in the County of Nottingham Widdowe being in good health of body and alsoe perfect in minde and in my remembrance the Lord be praised for it I doe make this my last will and testament in this forme and manner followeinge
Imprimis I bequeath my Soule to god my Creator and redeemer, and my body to the earth from whence itt came to bee buried in the Parish Church or Churchyard of Tithbye, and as for my worldly goods I dispose of them as followeth
Item I Bequeath to my sonne John Bell one Cottage house and foure acres of land arrable or otherwise scituate and lying in the feilds of Cropwell Butler aforesaid, which sayd house and grounds hee hath now in his owne possession, and I alsoe give unto him more one shilling for the remainder of his porcon to the payd unto him within sixe moneths after my death
Item I give unto my daughter Margarett Bell tenne pounds to be payd six moneths after my decease
Item I give unto my daughter Margarett Bell one redd Cowe that is called her Cowe if shee be forth comeinge at the day of my death (but if she be not) then I give to her another of the same price or value shee now is worth and to be delivered to her within one moneth after my death
Item I give more to my daughter Margarett one Box that is now standine in the Parlour for the rest of her porcon to be delivered to her with the Cowe
Item I give unto Robert Bell my Grandchilde tenne shillings to be payed within twelvemoneths after the day of my death
Item I give unto Joseph Skinar my Grandchild five shillings to be payd within twelve moneths after my death
Item I give unto Mary the daughter of Richard Baldocke of Plumtre three shillings foure pence to bee paid within twelve moneths after my death
Item I give unto the parish Church of Tythby three shillings and foure pence and to the poore of Cropwell Butlar three shillings and foure pence to be payd within twelve moneths after my death
Item I give unto Richard Baldocke for making this my will three shillings foure pence to bee payd att the day of my death
Item I bequeath all the rest of my estate both reall and personall both lands and tenements, Goods, Cattell and Chattells whatsoever that are undisposed of in this my last will and testament to my Sonne Andrew Bell whome I make my Sole and full Executor to see all these things performed in this my last will and testament and itt is my reall intent that hee the sayd Andrew Bell shall peceably and quietly enioy all my whole estate after my decease both reall and personall which is undisposed of in this my last will and testament
In wittnesse whereof I have sett to my hand and Seale this seaventeeth of January One Thousand Sixe hundred forty and nine
Anne Bell her marke and Seale
Witnesses hereunto
Rich Baldocke
Mary Baldocke her marke
John Bell his marke
This will was proved att Westminster the nine and twentieth day of September in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Sixe hundred fifty and three before the Judges for probate of wills and graunteing Administracon appointed by an Act of Parliament entituled an Act for probate of wills and graunteing Administracons by the oath of Andrew Bell the naturall and lawfull Sonne of the sayd deceased and Sole Executor in the say will named To whome was committed the Administracon of all and singuler the goods, chattells, and debts of the sayd deceased hee being first Sworne by Comission truly to administer the same according to Lawe