Thomas Bell of Long Clawson 1605 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/227/21
In the name of god Amen this one and thirtieth daye of Januarye in the four & fortieth yeare of the gracious Raigne of our Soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god of England, France, & Ireland Queene defender of the faith &c I Thomas Bell of Claxton als Clauston in the countie of Lecester husbandman, beinge sicke in bodye, but of good & perfecte memorye (praysed bee god) doe make & ordayne this my last will & testament in forme & maner as followeth
First I give & bequeave my soule to god my maker, through faith in Christ my Saviour, & my bodie to bee buryed in the church yard of Claxton aforesd
Itim I give to the poore mans boxe or the poor themselves xiid
Itim I give to Elizabeth Tompson iiid
To Francis Faukes iiid
To Robert Hall iiid
Itim I give & bequeave unto James Nichalls one cowe, with one heafer of two yeares ould, all my apparell, & three pounds, to bee payed within three yeares next after my discease
Itim I give & bequeave three ewe hodgs unto all the children of the sd James equallie to be divided amongst them, & the sd hodgs to bee delivered at Michaelmas next after my discease
Itm I give to my Brother Robert Bell ii Strikes of Corne
Itim I give to Robert Bell sonne of my sd brother one ewe lambe, to be delivered at Michaelmas next after my discease & I give to Thomas Bell my kinsman 1 strike of mylne corne
Itim I give & bequeave to Robt Bell theldest sone of my daughter Johne one ewe & a lambe to bee delivered within two years next after my discease, & also fortie shillings of Lawfull Englishe monie, to bee payed unto him at the age of xviith yeares
Itim I give unto Robert Smart the sonne of my sone in Lawe William Smart ii Stears of three years ould
Itim I give to Edward Smart the second sonne of the sd William one heafer of three yeares ould
Itim I give to Elizabeth Smart daughter of my sd sonne in Lawe a heafer of two years ould
Itim all the rest & residue of my goods moveable & unmoveable whatsoever unbequeaved, I give & bequeave unto my foresayed sonne in Law William Smart wholly, whome I make & ordayne sole & full executor of this my last will & testament
Lastlie I give xiid to Edward Smart thelder my honest neighbor & I do intreat him & my brother Robert Bell to be & also doe make them overseers of this my last will & testament & this I confirme with my hande & seale the daye and yeare first above written
Signum Thomas Bell
Thesse being wittnesses
Thomas Wright Clarke
Clement … their
John Hall marks
Probate 1605