Bernard William 1686 of Long Clawson Inventory

William Bernard of Long Clawson 1686 Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/89/27

A true and perfect Inventory of all the Goods Cattell & Chattells of William Bernard of Claxton als Long Clauson in the County of Leicest: Deceased the nineteenth day of June 1686 and prized the one and twentieth day of the same by us whose names are here subscribed

Imprimis his purse and apparel100
Item Six horse flesh and two young foles2600
Item four and thirty sheep and twelve lambs718
Item Six Cowes and four young bease1600
Item Swine254
Item Carts and cart geers Plows and plow geers & harrows434
Item Manure and troughs and fan & ship cribs & fleaks & hovill wood2100
Item Wheat & barley and mault & rie4146
Item Corn of the Land and oates and clott of the ground with grass4600
Item In the Parlour two bedsteds with the old cloths and chests and other
lumber there200
Item In the Kitchin and dairy the lumber there0134
Item In the Chambers bacon and cheese and boardes & other lumber0120
Item Brass and Peuter and berrills118
Item In the house a table 4 chaires a cubbord 2 stooles & other small thinges1100
Item Fire irons and things unseen and forgot    034

John Reaye

Richard Fawkes

John Hoe

John Bramley

Exhibited 30 May 1686