John Berry of Hose 1568 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/259 page 4 and PR/T/1568/55
In dei Noie Amen the xiiiith daye of Februarie & in the yere of our Lorde god 1568 I John Berry of Hoose within the Countie of Leicester Laborer, Sicke in body but of a hole & perfecte memorie, do make my last will and testament in maner and forme folowinge
Firste I bequiethe my soule to allmighty god and my body to be buryed in my parishe church yearde of Hoose
Item I bequiethe to the mother churche of Lincolne iid
Item I give unto Willm Rowse the yonger one shepe
Item to Margarett Spencer one shepe
Item I bequiethe unto Elles Arnolde my sonne in Lawe vi strikes of wheate and xxxiiis iiiid in monie
Item I Bequiethe unto Willm Arnolde and John Arnolde, sonnes unto the forsaid Elles x shepe and iiii hives of Bees to be sett forthe for their profit
Item I do give unto the said Willm and John Arnold two kyne and xxvis viiid in monie to be delivered after the decease of Elizabethe my wyffe
Te resydewe of my goods (my detts Legacies and bequestes paid) I do give unto Elizabethe my wife whom I do make my full executrixe, and Elles Arnolde my supervysor of this my will and testament
Theis beinge witnesses Edwarde Tompsonne clerke John Spencer and Richard Hande with others
Probate 8 April 1568 at Melton Mowbray to executrix