Blagg William 1558 of Plungar Will

William Blagg of Plungar 1558 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1558/65

In dye nomyne Amen the xii day of October in the yeare of our lorde god mccccclviii I Wyllm Blag of Plangar in the counti of Leyc husbandeman sicke of body & of hole & perfyt Remembrance thanks be to god allmyghty do make thys my laste wyll & testament as in forme folowyng

Fyrst I bequeth my sowle to allmyghty god the maker of me & all mankynde & to the blessyd Marie & to the blessyd company of heaven and my body to be buryed in the churche yarde of Plongar yf it please god to call me to his mercy at thys present

Fyrste I bequeth to Alyce my wyfe two Yoke of steres & one mare called Rose, & all my householde stofe ii kyne & two hekfars & xx shepe, Allso I wyll that Alyce my wyfe shall have my wene & my plogh & my plough geres & all thyngs thereunto belongyng so long as Wyllm my godson & she can agre, & when the can no longar agre or ells yt please god to take her all these thyngs to remayne to the sayde wyllm my godson

Allso I bequeth to Wyllm Blag my godson xv shepe

Allso I bequethe to Wyllm the elder my … v shepe

Also I wyll that my draught shall remayne holly to my wyfe & to Wyllm my godson

Allso I bequethe to Darete Tanfield one brasse pott & one payre of shets & yf she mary whyle she ys in my house to have iiii strykes of whete iiii strykes of barly

Also I bequeth to Thomas Blag the son of Wyllm Blag one ew one hog & one arke to be delivered be the hands of Alyce my wyfe & Wyllm my godson whom I make my lawful exsecutryks

In Wytnis hereof Thomas Rows John Blankne Rychard Pell


I owe to the churche one quarter of barly

Also I owe to Rychard Leland iii li

An inventuory of all goods of Wyllm Blag of Plongar late Deceased & mayd the laste dey of November Anno dni mccccclviii & prased the same be us Thomas Person John Blankeney Rycharde Pell John Cooke the elder

Fyrste hys apperyllvs
Itm vi & xxx shepexls
Itm two kynexxxs
Itm fowre yearlyng calvesvis xxs viiid
Itm one yoke of oxenxls
Itm one yoke of steres of iii years oldxxs vis viiid
Itm one quarter of whetexs
Itm two quarter of Ryexiis
Itm ix quarter of berleyv marke
Itm v quarter of peasexxs vis iiiid
It fowre maresiiii marke
& one old marevis viiid
Itm the heyxs
Itm the swine in the yardexiis
Itm vi gyseiis
Itm viii hennesiis
Itm the weyn & wene geres & plowgh tymberiiii nobles
Itm one hovyll & the wod in the yerdexs
Itm thre potts two pannes & a ledxls
Itm vii pesys of putervs
Itm on matrys two coverlids syx payre of shetesxiiis iiiid
Itm two arkes thre lomes three cannsiiis iiiid
Sum totalxxiii li viiis