George Blankley of Eaton 1678 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1678/6
In the name of God Amen the fifteenth day of January 1676 I George Blankley of Eaton in the County of Leicester yeoman beinge praised be God, whole in Body & of perfect Memory, and knowinge the uncertainty of this life, allsoe desireinge to settle things in order do make this my last will and Testament in manner and form following
Chiefly I commend my soul to Almighty God my Creator assuredly believinge to be saved by the Merits and pretious death of my blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ
And my body to be Buryed in decent and Christian manner
As for such worldly goods as the Lord hath in mercy lent mee, (and untill this time undisposed of) my will and meaninge is the same to be thus bestowed, as hereafter by this is expressed
First I doe revoke all former Wills by mee made
Inprimis: I will that all those debts or dutyes that in right or conscience I owe to any manner of person shall be well and truly payd in convenient time after my decease by my Executor hereafter named
Item of the Twenty pounds which I reserved for Thomas Blankley my son to pay to my other children within one yeare after the decease of the Survivor of mee or Anne my wife, I give five pounds of the same unto George Blankley my son
Item other Ten pounds of the said Twenty I give unto William Blankley my son
It the other five pounds of the said Twenty I give to Roger Blankley my son, and in case it shall please God that any of these my Three sons decease and leave noe child, before his, or theire part, or legacy, be due, my will and pleasure is that his or theire part soe deceasinge shall be equally divided amongst the rest of all my children then living, or to theire children
Item I give to Thomas Blankley my Bed stead and the Cubbert
Item I give to Anne James my daughter, the featherbed and Bolster, Three feather pillows a Rug a Blanket, a flaxen sheet with seaminge, a hempen sheet, a napkin, a pillowbeer and Towell and the little Boxe
Item I give to William Blankley the Red and Blacke Coverlet
Item I give to Roger Blankley the great chest
Item I give to Anne the daughter of Thomas Blankley the great Boxe
Allsoe I Desire Thomas Blankley my son to perform the office of an Executor to see this my last will and Testament fulfilled, havinge his necessary charges allowed, and in case he refuse the next of my children that will doe it
And I further Desire my neighbour William Tinsley as Supervisor to Assist you in it
In witnesse Hereunto I have set my hand and seale the day and yeare above said in the presence of us vizt
George Blankley signum
William Tinsley
William Watson
Probate 9 April 1678
A true & perfect Inventory of the goods & chattles of George Blankley of Eaton yeoman deceased September the 25th 1677 then Taken & prized by us, William Tinsley William Watson viz
£ | s | d | |
Inprimis his Apparells purse money and Girdle with the Rond | 22 | 0 | 0 |
In the Parlour | |||
Item the Bedstead and Cubbert | 0 | 6 | 8 |
Item the Two Coverlets the Rug & Blanket | 0 | 17 | 4 |
Item the feather bed, bolster the three Pillowes two sheets & other things | 1 | 12 | 6 |
In the field | |||
It Ten Ewes | 2 | 10 | 0 |
Allsoe in things unseen or forgotten | 0 | 2 | 6 |
Summa Totalis est | 27 | 9 | 0 |