John Blankley of Stathern 1636 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/248/84
Some of the left side is missing at the top of the page, indicated by […] with likely words, according to the common wording of wills of the period, included in the square brackets if they can be deduced
Julie the 29 1636
In the name of god Amen I John Blanklie of Stathorne in [sick in body] but of perfect memory (praised be God) doe make [this my last] will & testament in manner and forme following
[Imprimis] I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almightie God [my creator] & redeemer & my body to bee buried in the Church yard of Stathorne aforesaid
Item I give unto the Church two Shillings
Item I give unto the poore foure Shillings
Item I give to my Aunt Blanklie two Shillings To Thomas Day one Shilling to John Day sonne of Thomas one Shilling To George Petty [?] one Shilling to Widdow Jarvie sixe pence to John Cooke of Plungar sixe pence to widdow Bacon sixe pence to widdow Pittie sixe pence and to my … of … foure shillings to Richard Caunt the sonne of Gabriel sixe pence
Item I give unto my sisters Brigitta, An, Sylvester & Susanna foure pounds to each of them, and to my Brother Nicolas foure pounds, which sayd Sumes my will is shall bee payd within one yeare after my decease
Item I give unto my kinswoman Mary Booth three pounds to bee payd when shee shall accomplish the age of Eighteene yeares
Item I give unto my sister Brigitta one heifer
Item I make by Brother George Sole Executor of this my last will & testament to home I doe give all the rest of my goods cattells & Chattells moveable & unmoveable whatsoever or wheresoever provided alwayes all my debts & legacies being first payd & my funerall expenses discharged
Signum Johannis Blanklie
Read sealed & delivered in the presence of us
Richard Rouse
Gregorye Julyan
Probate 6 October 1636