William Blankley of Ab Kettleby 1681 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1681/52
In the name of god Amen I Will Blankly of Ab Kettelby in the Countie of Leic yeoman doe Ordaine this to be my last will & Tesstament revoceing all former wills: beinge sicke in body but in perfect my minde & memory praised be god as in manner & forme followeth
Imprimis I bequeath my soule to allmighty god whoe gave it me trusteinge to be saved by the alone merritts of Jesus Christ & my body to be buried in the Church yeard of Ab Kettelby
It I give to the poore of Ab Kettelby six shillinges & eightpence
It I give to Elizebeth the wife of Michaell Peares five shillings
It I give to my wife Elizebeth one Cow & I desire shee shall have one more Cow for Twoe yeares & then … the said cow to my Sonne Robt Blankly to be to his use & behoofe & allsoe I desire shee shall have my Corne groweing on the ground if shee be alife to reape it & allsoe one swine
It I give & bequeath to my Sonne Robert Blankly the sumes of moneys due to me by bargaine with John Blankly for one Closse called padcraft that is to say John Blankly to pay to my Sonne Robert Blankly or his assigns fower pounds Ten shillings when my Laday rent is called for & fifteene pounds moore to be paid to my sonne Robte Blankly or his assigns at three payments that is to say five pounds at our Laday next being the 25 day of March next after thee day of the date hereof & five pounds moore the next five & Twentieth day of March & five pounds moore the next five & Twentieth day of Marche following
It I give to Anne Blankly the daughter of Robert Blankly my best Chest
It I give to Mary Blankly the daughter of Robt Blankly a Table & a forme in the House
It I give to Elizebeth Blankly the daughter of Robert Blankly one Joyne Cheaire
It I give to Jane Blankly the daughter of Robert Blankley one Joned Cheaire
It I give to Ruth Blankly the daughter of Robt Blankly one Tesster Bed in the parlor
It give to my wife Elizebeth a warmeing pan twoe peices of puter & a halfe … & I desire shee shall macke use of the rest of the goods in the House undespossed of soe longe as shee shall live in the House & Keepe hir widdow mackeng noe impeachement of them nor wast & afterwards to be to the use & behoofe of my Sonne Robert Blankly his heires or assignes
It all the rest of my goods Chattles moveable & unmoveable depts depts remaining & money knowne to be mine I give & bequeath to my Sonne Robert Blankly which I doe here macke & Ordaine to be my full Sole executor of this my last will & Tesstament
In wittnesse hereof I have hereto put my hand & seale this fore and tweteth day of Aprill in the year of our Lord god 1681
William Blankley his marke
John Page
Edward Hearne his marke
Samwell Spreck
May the 19th 1681
A True & perfecte Inventorie of the goods & Chattels of William Blankley of Ab Kettelby in the county of Leicester yeoman late deceacesed apprized by us whose names are underwritten
Imprimis his pursse & apparel & moneys oweinge | 20 | 00 | 00 |
It Three heffers | 00 | 04 | 00 |
It Three Cowes | 00 | 04 | 00 |
It One swine | 00 | 05 | 00 |
It the Corne on the ground | 02 | 00 | 00 |
In in the Hall Twoe Tables one forme twoe Joyne Chaires the fyre yeren with | |||
the hangeings & other implements | 01 | 00 | 00 |
It in the Parlor One Tesstor Bedd with Bedding upon it Three Coffers | 01 | 10 | 00 |
It Six paire of sheets & a Table Clothe | 00 | 15 | 00 |
It In the Chamber One Bedd with beddinge on it | 00 | 10 | 00 |
It in the Kichin three Barrels with other Brewin vessels | 00 | 10 | 00 |
Brasse & puter | 00 | 15 | 00 |
It all other things unseene & forgotten | 00 | 10 | 00 |
The whole | 28 | 08 | 00 |
John Page
Francis Harris
Ann Blankley
Exhibited 20 May 1681