Elizabeth Bosworth of Hickling 1636 Will
In Dei nome Amen I Elizabeth Bosworth of Hicklinge in the County of Nottingham widdow being sick in body but whole in mind and of sound and perfect memory (praysed be God for it) doe ordain constitute and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge
First I bequeath my soul to Allmighty God the only maker and redeemer thereof trustinge in hime only to be saved through a lively faith in Christ Jesus and my body to be buried in the Church yard of Hicklinge afforesaid
And as for the porcon of worldly goodes which God hath lent me I will that it be divided and bestowed by even and equall porcons as hereafter followeth
First I give to the Church of Hicklinge two shillings six pence
Item I give to my three daughters Joane Alice and Mary all that my messuage in Hicklinge above said with halfe an Oxgan of Land thereunto belonginge to there proper use and behoofe and a barne and a waste or close wherein it standeth and all profits pastures commons of pastures and comodities thereunto belonginge or appurtaininge
Item my will is that Mary my daughter shall have to her owne proper use one Cubbard in the parlour the best Coverlett the best Christeninge sheete the best bed that I lie on a scallett of brasse and one chest in the Parlor
My will is that all the rest of my goodes moveable and unmoveable shalbe equally divided by even and equall porcons amongst my three daughters Joane Alice and Mary
Item my will is that If any of my said daughters Joane Alice and Mary shall sell or make sale of there parte of howse and Land that then my will is that she that will sell shall sell it to one of her other sisters then liveing and to no other person what soever for the sume of thirteene pownds of good and lawfull mony of England, but if shee refuse to take it upon that price then my will is that shee shall sell it to whom shee will
Item I give to George Dafte at Stone Bridge and William Dafte twelve pence a piece whom I make supervisors of this my last will and testament
Lastly I ordain constitute and appoint Joane Alice and Mary to be executrixes of this my last will and testament and that they shall joyne together in purse for my funerall expenses and for proveing of my Will
In Witnesse whereof I have put to my hand and seale the fifteen day of April in the year of the Raigne of our Sovraigne Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith the twelfth and Ano dom 1636
Elizabeth Bosworth her signe
these beinge witnesses
Tho Bent Curat
George Dafte his mark
William Dafte his marke