John Braithwaite of Stathern 1856 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1856/25
I hereby declare this to be the last Will and Testament of me John Braithwaite of the Parish of Stathern in the County of Leicester And I do nominate my two Brothers William Braithwaite and George Braithwaite my Executors of the said Will and Testament
And I do hereby declare my will to be that whole of my Property be enjoyed by my Wife, Eleanor Braithwaite, so long as she remains unmarried, But that in the event or her Marriage or death it be divided in equal portions amongst all my Children
John Braithwaite his mark
May 3d 1856
As Witnessed by B Hutchinson MD
As Witnessed by Peter Clark Chir
6th August
William Braithwaite of Strelly in the Co of Nottm Farmer and George Braithwaite of Stathern in the Co of Leicester Lace Manufacturer the joint Executors in this Will named were duly sworn to the truth and faithful performance thereof as usual and that the goods chattels and credits of the deceased without deducting any debts owing by him therefrom do not amount in value to the sum of six Hundred Pounds and that the deceased died on the 3rd day of May last past
Before me Fred. S Barnaby Surrogate to the Commissary
9th August 1856
Will exhibited before the Reverend John Wing Clerk MA and Surrogate and Probate decreed to pass seal to the above named William Braithwaite and George Braithwaite in the presence of
Geo H Nevinson Not. Pub. Registrar
Same day Probate dated & signed by us
Geo H Nevinson )
Thos. Nevinson ) Regrs