Dorothy Bringhest of Eaton 1594 Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/13/9
The Inventory of all and singuler the goodes & debtes of Mrs Dorothye Bringhest of Eaton late wiffe of Willm Bringhest de eadem in the Countye of Leic deceased praised the xxiiith of October By Nicholas Wildman and John Sommer
Inprimis her wearing Apparell with one gowne and all that belongeth thereunto lying at Redmell at | |
Wm Ardens house & her purse withall therein | x li |
Itm ii Bedds with one Truckle Bed and theire furniture that belongeth to them | vii li |
Itm ii Chests with Lynnens within them | iiii li |
Itm v Qushions with Two Carpetts & painted cloathes that hanges about the Chamber | xxxiiis iiiid |
Itm ii Chests with flax and yarne with other lynnen therin | xiis |
Itm one little Coffer | iis |
Itm pewter dishes & sawcers | xiiiis iiiid |
Itm Candlesticks & one little skellett | vs iiiid |
Itm one Cloake | xxvis viiid |
Itm one frame Counter with one forme & another Buffitt forme & one stoole | xs viiid |
Itm one borded cheare and one stoole | xviiid |
Itm one Lynnen wheele | xxd |
Itm one great pann | xxs |
Itm ii olde pannes | vis |
Itm one little kettle with one biggar | vis viiid |
Itm one greate pott of brasse | xiis |
Itm ii more potts | xvs |
Itm one little skellett i fraying pann & one skimmer | iiis |
Itm one fireiron i paire of Tonges | iiis iiiid |
Itm one barr of yron & ii hangles | iiis iiiid |
Itm i paire of Cobbards and spitte | vis viiid |
Debts oweing to the defunct | |
Inprimis by Henry Marshall | xl li |
Itm my Wm Tomson of Eaton | v li xiiis iiiid |
Itm by Henry Jervis | xviiis iiiid |
Itm by John Bringhest parson of Waltham | viii li |
Itm for the yeares of the farme | xx viii li |
Itm one Cheare in the hall | xiid |
Itm things forgotten | vs |
Som Tolis | iicliii li iis iid |
Exhibited 23 February 1594/5