William Bringest of Eaton 1592 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/213/47
In the name of God Amen the yeare of oure Lord God 1591 the Laste day of Februarye Witnesseth that I Willm Bryngeste of Eaton in the countye of Leceter yeoman doo make and ordayne this my presente Testamente concerninge herein my Last Will in maner and forme followinge that ys to saye
Firste I Comende my soulle to Almyghty God my maker and redemer and bodye to be buryed in the churche of Eaton
Itm I bequeth for the relyefe of the poore of the towne of Eatone iiis iiid
Itm I beqethe to my daughter Anne Bryngest the wife of Christofer Bryngest xxs and to her fower children to ether of them vis viiid
Itm I bequeth to my daughter Margeret Ardyne the wife of Willm Ardyne towe pounds and to everye one of her children beinge fyve in number vis viiid
Itm I bequeth to my daughter Francis Baker the wife of Robart Baker twentye shillings and to her sonne Henrye Baker vis viiid
Itm I bequeth to my sonne John Bryngest one yearde Land more besyeds that whiche he hath nowe in use & occupatione yeldinge & paying rente yearlye for the same unto his mother Dorathe Bryngest that ys to saye, for those towe yeard lands liiis iiiid
And as for the dressinge and orderynge of that one yearde land that he the foresayed John had before, yf he wilbe contented to do for his sayed mother as heartofore he did for his Father he shall have that former yearde land dressed in all poynts as before, otherwise to be at his mothers will and choyce for the dressing of it
And for the other yeard land to make provision for the orderinge of it at his owne chargeis
Also I geve to the sayed John Bryngest my sonne fortye shillings and to his fower children to ether of them vis viiid
Itm I will that the money gyven unto all the children of my sayed sonne and daughters shalbe delyvered unto them when theye come to the agge of sixtene years and furthermore my will ys that thes legases geven unto my foresayed children that ys to saye to John Bryngest Anne Bryngest Margeret Ardine and Francis Baker shalbe delyvered unto them the one halfe one yeare after my death and the other halfe one yeare after that
Itm I bequeth to Henry Bryngest the sonne of John Bryngest one ewe & one Lambe
Furthermore I geve unto John Bryngest my sonne after the death of Dorathe Bryngest my wife all the yeares that are then for to come in my lease of my farme excepte towe yearde Lands that Robert Baker hath nowe in occupation
The Reste of goods not bequethed my debts payed my funeral expenses discharged I geve unto Dorathe Bryngeste my wife whom I do make my wholl executrixe of this my Laste will & I utterly revoak and denull all & everye other former wills legaces giftes & bequests by me before this tyme maide named willed or bequethed
… Wyllyam Bryngyse
Thes being Witnesses
John Bryngest
William Ollyffe
Probate Leicester 3 July 1592, William Oliff sworn