Simon Brown of Chadwell 1667 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1667
In the name of God amen I Simon Browne of Cawdwell in the County of Leicester being sicke and weake in body but of perfect memory blessed be God doe make this my last will & Testament on this manner
First I bequath my soule into the hands of my deare Saviour who hath redeemed mee by shedding his most precious blood for mee and secondly I desire that my body may bee buryed in the Church yard of Cawdwell, to be there desently layd
I give and bequeath to my wiffe Sarah Browne, making her full Execatrix of all my goods and Chattells, as well within, as without, excepting one Ten poands which is due by bond to be payd to mee from Richard Beaver of Cawdwell husbandman, which Ten pounds I give and bequeath to my five Grand Children by name Elizabeth Alce Abigal Sarah and Esther or to there Executors to be divided by equall portions amongst them
This is my true Last will, and Testament, wherunto I have sett to my hand and seale this Tenth day of January, being in the yeare of our Lord God 1666
Simon Brown his marke
In the presence of
Tho: Robinson
Richard Beaver
Probate 2 May 1667
March the sevetenth 1666
A Trew Inventory of all the Goods Cattells and debts moveable & unmoveable of Simon Brown of Caldwell in the County of Leicester deceassed praised by Richard Beaver and John Handly
Impris his pursse & appraelle | five pounds |
It the fire Iron hooks & Rackin | vs |
It the table & chare | viiis |
It the Cobert | xiiis 4d |
It the penn | vis viiid |
It foore puter dishs | vis |
It towe brasse pots | viiis |
It fowre brasse pans | viiis |
It the dish penn & other Implements | is |
It the perekit | xs |
It the milke peal & tow shelves | is iid |
In the Chamber | |
Item towe Coverlids tow blankits | xiis |
It three pare of sheets & thre towel | xxiis |
It chest one arke & one trunke | xvis |
It the Cowe and fodder towe pound | ixs |
Monys owinge the Testator | |
Item Mistris Allcock of Waltham upon the Woulds her bond eight pound | |
Desp | |
It will be of the same towne Oweings to the said Testator one pound | vis … |
It Thomas Baxter of Whickam seneor tow pounds six shilling desparate | |
Sum | 30 li 19s 11d |
Bond, bound Sarah Browne widow of Cawdwell [Chadwell] and Augustine Marriott carpenter of Cawdwell 2 May 1667, condition bound Sarah Browne relict and executrix of Simon Browne late of Cawdwell to execute will
Signum Sara Browne
Augustin Marrit