John Broxham of Long Clawson 1612 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/235/95
In the name of god Amen this thirde daye of Aprill in the tenthe yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lorde James by the grace of god, of Englande, France & Ireland Kinge defender of the Faith &c of Scotlande the fourtie & five I John Broxum of Claxton als Clauston in the Countie of Leceister Sheepgarde beinge sicke of bodye, but of perfect & good memorye (praysed be almightie god) doe make and ordayne this my last will & testament in manner followinge
Imprimis I give and bequeave my soule to god that gave it and my bodie to bee buried in the Church yarde of Claxton aforesaide
Itim I give to the church for repayreinge thereof 4d
Itim I give to my brother John Broxum of Plungar all muy apparell
Itim I give unto Myles Broxum my Cosen the sonne of the foresayed John vis viiid
Itim to his sonne Thomas Broxum my Cosen vis viiid
Itim I give unto William third sonne of my foresayed brother John vis viiid
Itim I give unto my Cosen Elenor Broxum his daughter vis viiid to bee payed presentlye after my death, and to bee put forwarde to their best behalf
Itim I give to foure of the pooreste wyddowes in this towne 1d a peece
The reste of my goodes unbequeaved I give and bequeave unto Isabell Broxum my wife whome I make sole executrixe of this my laste will and testamente and lastlye I make my master [?] John Hicklinge overseer of this my laste [“will” missing] & testamente
Testes sunt
Thomas Wrighte minister
Edwarde Smarte his marke
Probate 19 May 1612
A true Inventorye of all they goodes & Chattells of John Broxnam sheeparde late of Claxton disceased taken this 12 of Aprill 1612 By Thomas Hicklinge yeoman, & Edward Smart husbandman, of Claxton aforesd
Imprimis his purse & apparel | xxiiiis |
Itim in the parlour 2 payre sheets & a board cloth | 11s 4d |
Itm 2 Towells, 2 pillowebears | 4s |
Itim 1 stonne of woole & yarne, & 7 yardes of wollen cloth | 16s |
Itim 2 Coverleades, 4 pillowes, one mattresse | 13s 4d |
Itim 2 beadsteades, 1 Cubberde, 1 table, 1 forme, 1 Chest, 2 Cofers, 1 cheare | 44s |
Itim in the house 1 tubb, 1 Kimnell, 2 payles, 1 Ca…, 2 wheles, & a forme | 4s |
Itim of pueter, 9 peeces, 1 salt, 2 Candlestickes, & of brasse 1 pott, 3 pannes | 26s 8d |
Itim 1 pancion, & towe pipkins, dishes & trenchears, the fire Iron, 3 potthookes, 1 pichforke, | |
with other implementes | 3s |
Itim bacon flitche | 3s |
Itim paynted Clothes | 12d |
Itim 2 kyne | 4 li |
Itim 5 sheepe & a lambe | 26s 8d |
Itim 3 hennes, 10 Chickins | 20d |
Itim thinges Forgotten | vid |
The whole some is | 12 li 18s 2d |
Thomas Hicklinge
Edward Smarte his marke