Richard Byard of Long Clawson 1591 Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/12/76
The true Inventory of all the goods & chattall of Richard Byarde of Claxton in the countie of Leicester yeoman who departed this present life the xith day of August Ano Dni 1592 praised by Edward Moore Henry Burdett and Thomas Storer of Clawson aforesaid
In the hall | |
Imprimis in his purse & his apparell | vii li |
Ite Cubbordes bordes formes Chaires stooles fyre irons & other | |
implements | xls |
Ite quishons & Carpetts | iiii li |
In the parler | |
Ite Bedsted | xlvis viiid |
Ite fether bedds pillowes & bolsters | iiii li iiis iiiid |
Ite mattresses & blankets | liiis iiiid |
Ite bed hillings Coverletts & Curteines | iii li xixs iiiid |
Ite xv paire of flaxen sheets | viii li |
Ite xx paire of other sheetes | v li xvis viiid |
Ite a paire of pillow beares & vi flaxe bordcloaths | xlvis viiid |
Ite vi other bordcloathes & iiii dozen of table napkins | ls |
In the Chamber | |
Ite one Counter & one livery Cubbord with other Coffers | xxiiiis |
Ite butter & cheese | xs |
Ite tubes barrells kimmells with other Implements | xls |
In the Buttrie | |
Ite one silver salte | xxs |
Ite puter | lis iiiid |
Ite Candle stickes Chamfers & milke leads | xxvis |
In the kitchen | |
Ite spits Cobbarts dripping pannes & Brand irons with other small | |
implements | xxxiiis iiiid |
Ite brasse potts 2 pannes | v li |
In the yards | |
Ite … plowes & … with their furniture | iiii li |
It plow timber & axle trees | xvis vid |
Ite horse mangers rackes planks bease … with other wodd in the | |
stable & weate howses | xxs |
Ite one hanging howse with all the pales … … … … & other Cloggs | |
of wod | xliiis iiiid |
Ite the wodd about the hovells & straw … | xxiis vid |
Ite one paire of old quernes one grinstone with certaine Coles & | |
other old trifles | xxs |
Ite the croppe of hay & Corne with a lease of certaine grounde & | |
an estate in ii Cloases in | |
Broughton feilds | xx li |
Ite vi swine | ls |
Ite xx sheepe | iiii li xvis viiid |
Ite vi steares | x li viiis |
Ite vii Cyne | ix li |
Ite ix yearling & ii Calves | v li |
Ite one nagge one mare one olde horse & ii fillies | iiii li xviiis viiid |
Ite geese ducks & hens | vs |
Debts owinge to the said Richard Byard | |
Imprimis Ralfe Hardall & Thomas Hardall owe him | viii li xs |
Ite John Henson alis Hall | v li |
Ite Xpofer Loe | xls |
Sum tot 144 li 3s 8d | |
Exhibited 7 September 1591 | |
Debts owing by the said Richard Byard | |
Imprimis he ought to Mr Scott | xxx li |
Ite to James Byard | xv li |
Ite to Ralfe Jacson | ix li |
Ite Sir Andrew Noell | ix li iiis iiiid |
Ite to Edward Moore | xlvis viiid |
Ite to Francis Pratte | vi li xiiis iiiid |
Ite to Willm Smarte | iii li |
Ite to Mr Morton | xxviiis xd |
Ite to Thomas Forde | xs |
Sum tot 77 li 12s 2d | |
Differens 66 li 11s 6d |