Cant Ann 1707 of Saxelby Will

Ann Cant of Saxelby 1707 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1707/34

In the Name of God Amen The fourth day of July In the fourth year of the Raigne of Our Soveraigne Lady Ann over England Scotland France & Ireland Queen defender of the faith &c Annoq Dom 1705 I Ann Cant of Saxelby In the County of Leicester Widdow Being weake In Boddy but of sounde & perfect Health & memory praised be God for The same doe make this my last will & Testament In manner & forme following That is to say

First I Commend my Soul Into the hands of Allmighty God my maker & Creator hopeing Assured Through the only meritts of Jesus Christ my Alone Saviour & Redeemer to be made partaker of Life Everlasting

And as for my Boddy I commit to the Earth to be decently Buried att the discression of my Executors here after named

And my Goods Cattells & Chattels & Personall Estate I give and bequeath as followeth

Imprimis I give to my Eldest Son Matt: Cant one Broad Peece of Gold & allsoe to his wife Fran: Cant one other peece of Broad Gold

Item I give my godson Samll Cant one other peece of Broad Gold

Item I give to my Daughter Mary Drury one peece of Broad gold, & allsoe to my Grand Childe Ann Drury one other peece of Broad Gold

Item I give to my Dear & Loveing Mother Mary Needham one Peece of Broad Gold

Item I give & bequeath unto my son John Ludlam one silver spoone & one silver Cup & a leafe table which draws out att Each Ende

Item I give unto my Daughter Eliz: Cant The Bed & Bedding Their unto belonging which formerly stood In the best Chamber att Wartnaby & allsoe one silver Tankard

Item I give & bequeath unto My Sone John Ludlam & his heirs All & every my Lands tenements & Hereditaments whatsoever whereof I am seized of any Estate of Inheritance or wherein I have any Equity of Redemption in Gadsby & Grimstone He my said [“son” missing] John Ludlam paying & dischargeing all such debts & Incumbrances as I shall leave upon the same att the Time of my Decease

Item I give to the Poore of Saxelby ten shills & to the Poore of Wartnaby ten shills to be distributed att the discression of my Executors

Item my Will & minde is that what Moneys or debts soever shall be due out of the Estates of my Sones Matt: Cant & Wm Cant which my late Husband John Cant gave to me out of Each of their Estates In his Will & which be unpay’d att my decease shall be forgiven

Item I give & bequeath unto my Sone Wm Cant all that Bed & Bedding Their unto belonging which stands In my Boarded Parler att Saxelby & all the rest of my Househould goods unbequeathed heretofore my will and minde is shall be Eaqualy shared & devided between my Sone Wm Cant & my daughter Eliz: Cant

Item my Will & minde is that my Uncle Nobles Will & my Husband Cants Will shall remane in the Hands and Custody of my Sone Matt: Cant In Trust to be shew’d to the rest of my Children att Their requests

Item and as to the rest of my goods Cattells & Chattells whatsoever heretofore unbequeathed by me after my Just Debts funerall Charges & Legacies are fully pay’d & satisfied my Will & minde is shall be Eaqually shared & divided between my sones John Ludlam Wm Cant & my Daughter Eliz: Cant whome I make Executors of This my last Will & Testament hereby revokeing all former Wills whatsoever heretofore by me made

In Wittness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale the day & year above written

                                                                                                                An Cant

Sign’d sealed published declared and pronounced to be my last Will & Testament

In the presence of

Dorothy Palmer

Mary Reeve

Mary Wall her mark

June 20th 1707 I Ann Cant doe Consent to the above Mentioned Will Except a debt wich is due to me out of my Sones John Cant & Tho: Cants Estate my Will & mind is that five pounds Their of shall be give to my Son John Ludlam & the rest to be Eaqually shared & devided between my Sones Matt: Cant Wm Cant & daughter Eliz: Cant

Item I give to my Son Wm Cant the old … Cow & barrand Brown heafer In lew of a debt which I owe to him of about fifty shills

Item I give to my godsonn Wm Cant & Daughter in Law Mary Cant each one broad peece of gould

                                                                                                                Ann Cant her mark

Published & sealed In the presence of us

Ann Hurst

Katherine Rotheram

Mary Smith her mark

Probate 5 July 1707


A Trew & perfect Inventory of all the Goods Cattell & Chattells of Ann Cant of Saxelby In the County of Leicester Widdow late deceased

Imprimis Purs & apparel100
Four Cows500
One acre & Quarter of Wheat200
Four Acres & Quarter of Barley450
Five Acres & halfe of Pease250
Two hoggs200
Old Pease hay & Coles150
Wheate Barly pease malt & Bacon3100
House hould goods   
In the house one Coffer one Settle & Chear050
In the Boarded Parler one Bed & Bedding & press200
In the old Parler one Bed with Peauter & Barrells0100
In the Matted Chamber one bed & bedding & Table300
In the other Chamber one bed & a press0100
In the Kitching Brewing Vessells & Brass with Cheese press & Courns150
Things overseen & forgott  0100

This Inventory is made Taken & prized the 25th day of June Anno Dom 1707 by us

Charles Stringer his marke

Clemment Watson