Robert Caunt of Ab Kettleby 1588 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1588/75
In the name of God Amen the xxviii Daie of Marche the yeare of our Lord god 1588 and the xxxth yeare of the raigne of our Sovaraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god of Englande France & Ireland Queene Defender of the faith &c
I Robert Cawnte of Ab Kettlebye in the countie of Leicestere being of whole mynde & in good & perfect remembrance praised be god therefore, make & ordaine this my present Testament conteyninge therein my last will, in maner & forme followinge
First I comende my Soule into the hands of Almightie God maker of Heaven & Earth &c And my bodie to be buried in the parishe Churche of Ab Kettlebye aforesayd &c
Item I will that Elizabeth Cawnte my wyfe shall have that house which my mother Agnes Cawnt nowe dwelleth in with all the Appurtenances after the decease of my said mother untill William my sonne shall come to the age of xxi yeares and then I will that the foresaid William Cawnt my son shall have the foresaid howse with all the appurtenances unto him & his heires male for ever
Item I give & bequeth to Elizabeth Cawnt my wife those cottage houses whereof she is in possession already with all the appurtenances thereunto belonginge & those foure lands whiche I had in use & occupation & was bequeathed unto me by the last will & Testament of Willm Cawnt my father untill such tyme as she may come to the other farme
Item I will that all my & Cattells shalbe equally devided between Elizabeth my wife & Willyam my Sonne by even portions
Item I give to Thomas Cawnt my brother one yewe which hath not yet lambed, & to my brother Wm Cawnte a yewe which hath lost her lambe
Item I give to one my of wyves brethren my best Dublett, unto the other my best Jerkin
Item I give to Willm Cawnt my brother my worst fustian Dublett
Item I ordaine & make Elizabeth Cawnte my wife the full & whole Executrix of this my last will & testament and John Hurst of Holwell and William Neale of Ab Kettlebye Overseers of the same
Theses beinge witnesses Thomas Neale vicar there, John Hurst, Bartellmewe Crosse with others
Probate 7 May 1588
The Inventorie of all the goods Chattells & Debtes of Robart Cawnte of Abkettleby in the Countie of Leicester deceassed praised by John Hurst Richard Spick and Willm Stokes the iiith daye of Maii 1588
First his apparel | xvs |
Itm in the howse one cupboard, one table, one fourme 2 chaires, one pen or dishbenke | xxvis 8d |
Itm iii pailes, iii Loomes, with boules & disshes | vs |
Itm ix pewter platters viii sawcers, v candlesticks ii saltes one chaffingdishe one pewter pott | xxiis |
Itm ii brasse potts & iii brasse pannes, a scummer | xxvis 8d |
Itm one docer vi cusshings | vs |
Itm the Irons about the fire | iiis |
Itm in the parlor, ii bedsteads, ii mattrisses, iiii coverleds ii boulsters, ii mattrisses, iiii coverleds | |
ii boulsters, v pillowes | iii li |
Itm iii paire of flaxen sheets, iii paire of hempen & three paire of harden sheets, iii towells, ii tables | |
clothes vi pillow beares | lvs |
Itm iiii coffers | vis viiid |
Itm one lynnen wheele one maunde three syves & one Churne | iiis |
Itm a Stithie with bellooes & hammers & other furniture for a Smith | xls |
Itm ii kyne | iii li |
Itm xiii sheepe | iii li |
Itm one Acre of corne sowne | xiiis iiiid |
Sum | xx li xvid |