William Caunt of Stathern 1639 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1639
In the name of God amen the 17th day of July 1639 I William Caunt of Stathorne in the Countie of Leicester husbandman being weake in body but in perfit Remembrance doe ordayne and make this my Last will & Testament in forme as followeth
First I bequeath my soule to Almightie god and my body to be buried in the Church yard of Stathorne aforesayd
Item I give unto my Cosen Brighit Barke the best ewe that hath a Lambe at my desease
It I give unto my Godsonne William Barke the best lambe that I have at my desease
It I give unto my godsonne William Finnes the best ewe lambe that I have at my desease
It I give unto my Cosen Darithee Travis one lambe at my desease
It I give unto Damasin Parnam one lambe
It I give unto John Travis one lambe at my decease
It I give unto Mary Hopkin my mayd one lambe at my decease and my will is that the shall take theese lambes as the are set downe in my will the first to begine & so to take them by degree as the are set downe in my will
It I give unto my sister Jone Sethell [?] three of the eldest ewes that I have at my desease
It I give unto my sonne George Caunt my howse & land sittuateing with in the liberties of Stathorne at the Desease of Elizabeth my wife, and to enter uppon it at the desease of her the sayd Elizabeth whether it bee sowne or unsowne as it shall please god it shalbe at her Departure wholy without let or hindrance of anie parson whatsoever
It I give unto Elizabeth my wife and my sonne George Caunt the rest of my Goodes moveabell & unmoveabell my debtes being payed my funerall discharged whome I doe make full Joynt executors of this my last will & Teastiment
In wittnes whereof I have set to my hand & seale the day mouneth first above written 1639
William Caunt his Marke and Seale
George Banks
Zacharie Travis
Probate 24 October 1639