Caunt William 1732 of Stathern will and inventory

William Caunt of Stathern 1732 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1732

May 28 1729

In the Name of God Amen I William Caunt of Stathern in the County of Leicester husbandman being weak in Body but of sound & perfect Mind & Memory praise be therefore given to Almighty God do Make and ordain this my present last Will & Testament in Manner & Form following (that is to say)

First & Principally I commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping through the Merits Death & Passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to obtain full & free Pardon & Forgiveness of all my Sins and to inherit Everlasting Life And my body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried at the Disposition of my Executors hereafter Named and as touching the Disposition of all such temporal Estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me I do give & dispose thereof as followeth

First I will that my Debts & funeral Charges Shall be paid & discharged

Item I give to my Nephew Edward Caunt my House & Land in Stathern which I bought of Gabriel Gregory but my Wife to have it to use when she pleases whilst she lives

Also I give to the said Edward Caunt two pounds to be paid him at My Decease

Item I give to my Nephew William Caunt of Eaton Fourty Pounds, twenty Pounds to be paid in one year after My Decease and the other twenty Pounds to be paid two years after My Death

Item I give to Mary Caunt my Niece five Pounds

Item I give to Alice Caunt my Niece five Pounds

Item I give to my Nephew John Caunt five Pounds

Item I give my Niece Elizabeth Caunt five Pounds

Item I give to my Sister Mary Goodwyn twenty Shillings

Item I give to my Nephew Richard Goodwyn five Pounds

Item I give to my Niece Alice George five Pounds

Item I give to my Niece Elizabeth Goodwyn five Pounds

Item I give to my Nephew Francis Godwyn five Pounds

Item I give to my Nephew Thomas Godwyn five Pounds

Item I give to my Wife’s Nephew Thomas Caunt of Stathern twenty Shillings

Item I give to my Wife’s Nephew Solomon Caunt twenty Shillings

Item I give to my Wife’s Nieces Mary Barnes & Dorothy Heron twenty Shillings between them

Item I give to the Sons of My Niece Mary Geeson (Viz) Thomas, John, Richard, Francis and William Geeson five Pounds to be equally divided amongst them and if any of them happen to die that then his or their shares of the said five Pounds to be equally divided amongst the Survivor & c

Item I give to twenty of the poorest people in Stathern twenty Shillings to be paid them the Day I am buried

All the rest & Residue of My Personal Estate Goods & Chattels whatsoever I do give and bequeath to Mary my loveing Wife and my Nephew John Goodwyn joynt Executors of this my last Will & Testament also I will that my said Nephew John Goodwyn Shall have possession of the Farm I am now in, in Stathern if his Grace the Duke of Rutland please to accept him for a Tenant

Also I give all Gibbins Oxgang of Land which I bought to my said Nephew John Goodwyn and the Heirs of his Body and for want of such Issue then to my Nephew William Caunt of Eaton and his Heirs for ever

Also if my Wife leave the said John Goodwyn then she shall have two Cows one Heifer and one Calf and all the houshold Goods to dispose of as she pleases &c

And I do hereby revoke disannul and make void all former Wills & Testaments by me heretofore made

In witness whereof I the said William Caunt of this my last will and Testament have hereunto Set my Hand & Seal the Day & year first above written

                                                                                                         William Caunt his Mark


Mary Hunter her Mark

Edward Marriot his Mark

Richd Goodwyn

May 29th 1732

An Invy taken of the Goods Chattles and Cattle of William Caunt late of Stathern Husbandman in manner and form following

  £ s d
Imps His purse and apparell 2 10 0
In the house and Chimney Rack Iron and Hoods and fire Iron and Froggs tongs      
& fire Shovel 2 tables 4 Chairs 4 pewter Dishes 12 Trenchers 1 6 8
In the Parlour one Bed and Beding 2 Chists one Box 1 13 4
In the Kitchen and Dary Brewing vessells & milk vessells & Cheese press 2 Brass      
Panns one brass Pott 2 13 4
In the Parlour Chamber One Bed & beding & Cheese boards 0 15 0
In the Kitchin Chamber 2 Quarter of Barley one Quarter of Wheat 12 Sacks      
a Skreen 2 10 0
In the Stable 5 pair of Iron Geers & Collars Six Halters Cart Sadle …hanks Cuppers      
and Cushins 2 15 0
In the Yard one Waggon 2 Carts plows and Plow Gears Harrows and Harrow      
Gears Cart ropes 8 13 4
In the Yard 12 Swine 2 3 4
In the Fields 50 Sheep 15 6 8
In the Pasture 8 Cows 5 Heifers 4 Calves 25 5 6
In the Pasture 6 Mares and Geldings 2 Colts 30 0 0
Corn growing in the feild valued at all things unseen & forgotten 1 13 4
  149 17 6

Appraised by us whose names are unto Sett the day and year first above written

Tho: Blankley

Wm Barke

John Goodwyn Senr

Probate 1 June 1732