Clark Robert 1690 of Wartnaby Inventory

Robert Clark of Wartnaby 1690 Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1690

A true and perfect Inventory of all & singular the goods and Chattells of Robert Clarke late of Wartnaby in the County of Leic labourer deceased made taken and apprized the twentyth day of March in the yeare of our Lord 1689

Impris his purse and Apparrell070
Item in the house one Cubboard056
Item one Chaire & a pewter dish019
Item a pott and a pann048
Item one fire Iron a paire of tonges & hookes012
Item a warming pann & a paire of bellows014
Item one wheele a wooden platter & two dishes016
In the parlor   
Item one Bed and bedding thereto belonging0193
Item one Chest & a Coffer044
In the Chamber   
Item one small box & some corne026
Item things not seene & forgott016

Wittness our hands

Matt: Cant

John Wartnaby

Exhibited 26 May 1690

Bond, bound Catherine Clark widow of Wartnaby and Charles Bennet labourer of Woodthorpe 26 May 1690, condition bound Catherine to administer estate of her late husband Robert Clarke intestate and produce an inventory.

                                                                                                                Signum Cath Clarke

                                                                                                                Signum Caroli Bennett