William Claybrook of Eastwell 1565 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/256
In the Name of God Amen The xxvith daye if February Ano dni 1564 I Willm Claybroke of Estwell beinge of perfect remembrance thanks be gyven to god do ordaine and make my last will & Testament as followeth
Fyrst and principally I bequeath my soule to the Infinite mercye of god and my bodye to be buryed in the churche of Estwell aforesaid
It I gyve to the said churche xxd
Itm I give and bequiethe to my two sonnes Francis & Henry ether of them v li and I will that they shall have the same when they shall come to lawfull age & yf yt shall fortune eyther of them to dye before he shall come to the said age then I will that the other shall have his parte
The Resydewe of my goods my detts beinge payd I gyve & bequiethe to my wyfe whom I constitute and make myne executor charging her to pay my detts and to performe this my will
And I make John Roo [?] my brother in lawe overseer of the same praying him to se yt fullfylled and for his paynes taking herein I gyve to him iiis iiiid
And I Renownce and forsake all other wills made by me here tofore & declare this to be my last will
These beinge witnesses to the same
John Buxhin clerke and parson there Willm Whetell and Thomas Lowe with other moo
An Invetorie of all the goodes of Willm Claybrok of Estwell praised by Willm Whetill John Spick Francis Walker and Thomas Lord of the same the xxvi daye of Marche 1565
First his apparell | vis viiid |
It iii mattresses ii blankets viii coverleddes bolsters and pillowes iiii bedstedes with hangings | |
and painted clothes | lvs |
It vi payrs of flaxen shets iii payrs of hempen and ix payrs of harden shets | xlvii |
It vii table clothes vii towells ii doss napkyns vi pillowbeers | xxvis viiid |
It vi … | xs |
It one … pott with … on amber iii tables with chares formes & stoles | xxxiiis iiiid |
It iii spits with cobordes and yren aboute the chimney | vis viiid |
It certeyn stuffe in the milk house and in the buttry | xs |
It xx iiii peices of puter viii candlesticks ii pint potts ii salts of puter | xxvis viiid |
Itm iiii brasse potts iiii pannes and one posnett | xls |
Itm ii leydes with other stuffe in the kitchen | xls |
It ii … clothes with forkes scuttles and sysses | vis viiid |
It v herfers and mares with one fole | v li |
It iiii kye and ii heyfurs | v li |
It ii steers iiii yong beests and iiii yerlyng calves | iiii li xiiis iiiid |
It xxx shepe yoes and hoggs | iii li vis viid |
It malt rye and barley xii … | xlviiis |
It x acres of rye and viii acres of peyse sowen | iii li xiis |
It the cart with cart geyres | xxvis viiid |
It plowes harrowes plow tymber trays … with … … | xls |
It swine with geese and pullen | xiiis iiiid |
Sum xlii li xviiis viiid | |
Whereof is to be deducted for his detts x li xxd | |
And so remeaneth … xxxii li xviiis |
Probate 28 March 1565