Nicholas Clayton of Harby 1596 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/217/53
In the name of god Amen the xvii day of November Anno domini 1596 And in the xxxix yeare of the Raygne of our Soveragne Lady Elizabethe by the grace of god of England France and Irelande Quene defender of the Faythe &c I Nicolas Cleiton of Harbie in the County of Leicester Bacheler in divinitye being sicke of body but in good And perfitt remembrance thanks be to Allmighty god do ordayne and make this my Last will and Testament in manner and fourme followinge
First and above all other thinges I bequeath my Soule into the handes of Allmyghty god my Creator and Redeemer and mye bodye to be buried in the Channcell of Harbie or elsewhere at the discretion of my Executors
Item I give and bequeath to Thomas Bolton all my Lattine and Greeke books
Itm I give to the said Thomas Bolton xxs of Lawfull Englysh mony to be payed unto hym yearely during one Lease, which said xxs of yearly payment to take place after the decease of my wife and not otherwise, which Lease was demised to one Robert Hordayne yeoman of the maile to the late Kinge of Famous memory K Henry the viii
Item I give to the poore of Harbie xs
Itm I give to the poore of Barkhuster [Berkhamsted] xxs
Itm I give to my Servants which shalbe with me at my decease to eyther of them iis vid
Item I give to Henry Whellsley [?] iii li vis viiid
Item I give And bequeathe to the Ringers and those that do carey me to the Church iiis iiiid
Item I give to my brother Michaell Cleiton xs of Lawfull Englyshe money
Item I give to my Executors All my Corne growing uppon the gleebe now Sowen
All the rest of my goods unbequeathed my dettes being paied my funerall discharged and this my Last will and Testament fulfilled I give and bequeath to Agnis my wife and William Bolton my Cosin whom I make Joyntlie togeyther my Executors And I appoint John Braddell and James Hubberde of Harbye aforesaid my Supervisors to see that this my last will and Testament be fulfilled according to my mynde now sett downe And they to have for theire paynes eyther of them vis viiid theis being witnesse
John Braddle
Henry Whellsley [?]
Edmunde Persons etc
Probate 10 December 1596