Close Richard 1695 of Wycomb Will

Richard Close of Wycomb 1695 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1695, there is a badly damaged original will and an intact and clearly legible probate copy

In the name of God Amen the 25th day of March 1695 According to the Computation of the Church of England I Richard Closse of Wycomb in the County of Lecester and in the parrish of Rothley Husbandman being of perfect Memory praised be God do make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following viz

Imprimis I bequeath my soul into the hands of Allmighty God my Maker hopeing that through the merritorious death and passion of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and redeemer to receive free pardon for All my sins and as for my Boddy to be buried in xtian buriall at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter Nominated

Item I give unto my Sonne Richard Closse All that Message [sic] or halfe yard land Scituate and lying in the feilds of Wycomb and Chadwell and all Houses easements backsides Wasts and Emollements theire to belonging during his naturall life and for want of Heires of his body lawfully begotten then to the right Heires of my Sonne Richard Closse for ever: and if my sd Sonne Richard Closse dye before he Attaine to the yeares of Twenty one then the sd Message or halfe yard land to the only propper use of my wife Mary Closse during her naturall life only

Likewise I give unto my sd Sonn Richard Closse the Sum of Twenty pounds to be payd unto William Marshall of Scallford and Lenord Davy of Goadby whom I appoynt Trustees for my sd Son Richard Closse to be put out by their discretion for to be pd unto my Sonne Richard Closse when he shall attaine to the age of Twenty one years with all the Interest that arise from the sd Sum of Twenty pounds and if he dye before to the only propper use of my wife Mary Closse

And all the rest of my Goods not bequeathed I give unto my wife Mary Closse she paying my debts Leggacies and funnerale Charges and appoynt her sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament revakeing all other wills and Testaments

In Witnesse whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year abovesaid

                                                                                                                The marke of Richard Closse

Sealed and delivered in the Presence of us

John Pratt Clk

Thomas Hackett

The mark of Tho Lyne

Probate 16 April 1695


Aprill the 3d 1695

An Inventory then taken of the goods and Chattles of Richard Close of Wickham lately deceased veiwed and Prized by them whose [“names” missing] are under written

Inpris Purse and Aparell50000
Fire Iron rackings tables Cheers and other od things in the Hall30000
For a bed Cheers and other furniture in the best Parlor100000
For a bed and other things in the little parlor40000
For a bedsted hangings and other things in one of the Chambers20000
For a bed and other things in another Chamber20000
For a Copper and tubs in the brew house and barrells in the butterey31000
For brass and Pewter31000
For things belonging to the darey168
For Mault and a Haire Cloath110000
For Horses young and old450000
For a Sow and five pigs51000
For Cows and neat beasts young and old550000
For Carts waggons & geers plows & harrows and other things belonging to
For pease and barley400000
For Hay50000
For the Corne and grass of six yard land in Wickham feild1340000
For sheep young and old550000
For hawvills and wood belonging to them and sheep treas and wood about the
For manure in the yard50000
For Pullen in and about the yard0056
For things forgotten and not seen    10000
The Sum41122

Will Marshall

Tho Hackett

Richard Hickson


Exhibited 16 April 1695