John Collington of Scalford 1565 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/256 and PR/T/1565/52
In dei Noie Amen the xxviith daye of March in the yere of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Quene Elizabethe by the grace of god quene of England France and Ireland defender of the faithe &c I John Collington of Scalford within the Countie of Leicester husbandman being hole & of a perfecte memorie do make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in maner & forme folowinge
Fyrst I bequiethe my soule to allmightie god and my bodye to the ground whereof ytt came
Also I do give and bequiethe to my wyfe Katherine the half of all my goods with in the howse that is to saye brasse Pewter Lomes bedding linninge and wollinge with the resydewe of the furniture that belongethe to my howse all maner of graine excepted
Also I do give her thre of my best kyne that I have two quarters of Barlye to be payde presentlye
Also I do gyve unto her during the terme of Sixe yeres every yere one quarter of Malte
Also I gyve unto my wyfe Sixe Lambe hoggs & fower ewes and Lambes
Also I gyve unto my dawghter Elzabethe iii li vis viiid to be pd unto her at the one and Twentie yeres of her age And yf she Marry before to be pd unto her at the daye of her marryage
Also I gyve unto my dawghter Agnes iii li vis viiid to be pd to her at the one and twentie yeres of her age and yf she marry before to be pd unto her at the daye of her maryage and this to be for there childes partes
Also I give unto my sonne Thomas Collington vi li xiiis iiiid to be pd unto him at the one & Twentie yeres of his age
Also I give unto my sonne John Collington vi li xiiis iiiid to be payd unto him at the one & twentie yeres of his age
But yf in case any of my said children that ys to say Thomas John Elizabeth and Agnes do decease before the terme & yeres expressed I will that his or her parte or partes be equally devyded amonge the resydew that dothe survive and in case they all dye I will that my sonne Hewe Collington shall have there porcons
Also I will that my wyfe shall have the kytchin and the parlour next to yt and also rowme to sett the kyne in the yerde with egress and regresse and also thre loades of hay and thre neate pastours & every yere during the terme of Sixe yeres one lode of Coles Provyded that she paye for them at the pitts and also yf she remaine unmaryed provided allwaies that my sonne Hewe shall have egresse & regresse into the chambre and kitchin at all times
All the resydewe of my goods unbequiethed or nott gyven my detts payd and my body browght to the ground and my legacies performed I gyve unto my sonne Hewe Collington whom I do make and constitute my full executor and to se this my Last will performed I do make Ralf Segrave gent Supervisor of this my will and he to have for his paines xs
Witnesses hereof Ralf Segrave gentleman Xpofer Bardsey clerke Nicholas Hardby and James Waydsonne with other mo
Probate 7 April 1565
PR/I/3 page 169/104
Ano dni 1565
This the Invitorye of all the goodes and chattylell of John Collingtonne of Scalford husbandman taken and prised by Raffe Segrave gentleman John Watsonne yeoman Hewe Mussonne Wyllm Carpenter Thomas Mussone the fourthe day of Aprill
The Hall | |
Imprimis one table two formes & two allmeries with other stoles | xs |
Sixe platters four pewter dishes and vi porringers | vis |
Two chauffing dishes two candlestyckes and one latten basen the fire iron a payre | |
of tonges a payre of potte hookes | iiis viiid |
Two great pannes two kytles … potte a bruinge lead | xxiiiis |
The parlour | |
Foure matresses five coverlets two boulsters one fedder bead thre pillowes four | |
bedsteads | xxxvis iiiid |
Thre table clothes & two longe two longe … tenne napkins five payre of flaxen shete | |
vi payre of harden | xxxvs iiiid |
Thre coffers | vis viiid |
His rayment | vis viiid |
The ketchin | |
Tenne bacon flexes | xxvis viiid |
Two tubes two lowmes thre pales two troughes with other implements of woode | |
Two sackes two cheysses with disches and trenchers | xiis iiiid |
Flaxe a spitte | xs viiid |
A payre of querrns | iiiis |
In the chamber | |
Five quarters of moulte | xxiis |
Two paynted clothes | iis |
In yeard | |
viii hennes one coke two duckes and one capon | xxs |
Two yron bound cartes with geyres plowes and plowe tymbeer five harrowes | lvis viiid |
vi kyne and calfes fowre stroppers three effers | xi l |
Five horses | vi l xiiis iiiid |
Thre score sheppe | x l |
Thirtene acres of peasen | xlvis |
Four acres of wheate and rye | xxiiiis |
Wheat bearly rye and peasen thressen and unthressen | v l vis viiid |
A sowe and eyght pigges and five shottes | xxiiis |
Summa totalis | £ xviis iiiid |
Dettes that the sayd John Collingtonne did owe in his life tyme | |
In primis to Seth Hosse of Scalforde | xxiis |
To Wyllm Caunt of Kyttlebe on the hyll | vs |
To Robert Austen of Meltonne | vis |
To xfer Shyres of the same towne mercer | iiis xd |
To James … of the same towne | iiis |
To John Poonley [?] of the same towne | xvid |
To Hew Collingtonne for a beay horse | iii£ xs |
Also for thre … | xxs |
Summa | vi£ xis iid |