Isabelle Cooke of Plungar 1596 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/217/65
In the name of God amen the xxvi day of March in the 36 yeare of the Queenes … raigne that now is Queene Elizabeath I Isbelle Cooke of the towne of Plunger widow being of perfic mind and remembrance Thankes be gieven to god therfor doe ordayne & make and declare this to be my Last will & testament in maner & forme followinge
Firste and principally I beqeth my soule to almyghtie god my maker and to Jesus Christe my redemer trusting stedfastly in the merit of Christ passion to be one of them that shall inherite the kingdome of heaven & my body to be buried in the parish church yard of Plunger in the Countie of Lecester and for my temporall Goods I dispose them as in maner & forme following
Im I give to the poor of Plunger iiii strikes of barle
Im to Thomas Cooke I cloke i peace of stoking a gavelock a flacket
Im to Thomas Kirkes Children xs
Im to Agnes Kirke i reale to Isabell her Daughter i plate
Im to Henrie Cooke i Great …
Im to Henrie Bonsear i cowe to Alse Bonsar i pillowbear i towell to John Bonsear i arke to Henrie Bonsear i arke to Marie Bonsear i red Cofer
Im to Marie Readman ii of my best Cootes to Isabell her Daughter i flaxsen sheete and vis viiid to Alese Bonsear Elizabeath Gibon Marie Readman to parte my Linins amonge them to John Gibon i calfe to Isabell Gibon i flaxsen sheete Im to Henri Bonsears Children i hive of bes to Henrie Bonsear iii bords to Wm [?] Gibon iii bords
Im I do make my executor my Son John Cooke
Im I give to John Cooke and Wm [?] Cook eather of them i reale or a charshen to Isabell Cook i Coate
Theise being witnesses & presente at the make hearof
Richard Neale
Mathew Neal
Probate 26 January 1596/7