Thomas Cook of Stathern 1597 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/218/44
There is an area of damage in the centre of the last few lines of the will, no more than one or two words missing, indicated by […]
Ao Domini 1597
In the name of God Amen The fifteene daie of Aprill in the Thirtie nine yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of God of England France & Ireland Queene Defender of the fayth &c Wytnesseth that I Thomas Cooke of Stathorne in the Countye of Leicester Taylor beinge sicke in body but of memorye whole & sounde lauded & praised be god for it, doe Ordaine and make this my last will & Testament in manner & forme followinge
Fyrst I bequeath my soule to Allmightie God the maker of mee & all mankind & my Bodie to be buryed in the Churchyarde of Statherne aforesaide
In primis I give unto John Boore the Sonne of Henry Boore one sheepe hogge
Item I give unto Ellyn Wyllson my Goddaughter Twelve pence
Item I give unto Bridgett Yearwodd my Goddaughter sixe pence
Item I give unto Joane Cooke welbeloved wife Two parts of all my Goods moveables and unmoveables whatsoever and the other beinge the Thirde parte I give unto Gabriell my sonne
Also I give unto Joane my wife the estate & Lease of my howse so longe during as she shall keepe her widowe But & if she shall chance to marry then my will & minde is that Gabriell my sonne shall have it
The Rest of my Goods unbequeathed my Debts beinge paide of […] my funerall & Legacies Discharged I give them in manner & forme abovesaid unto Joane my Wife and Gabriell my sonne whome I doe appoint to be my full & lawfull Executor & Executix of this my last will & Testament And I would desyre Henry Boore my brother & Thomas Towers to be Superivsors […] for their paines I doe give unto either of them six pence
In Wytnesse hereof to this my last will and testament I have set my hande & put to my mark in the presence of them that are witnesses
By me Thomas Cooke his marke
Richard Rowse his marke
Thomas Yearwodd his marke
John Bakon his marke
John Whittle his marke
The Debts that I Thomas Cooke doe owe & to whome
In primis To my Brother Deepyn
Ite to Thomas Yearwodd
Ite to Another
A Trewe Inventorie of all the Goods cattells & Chattells Moveables & unmoveables of one Thomas Cooke of Stathorne Tayler latelie diseased in the yeare of our Lord God 1597 Ao Reni Regina … Elizabeth dei gracia Anglia France et Hibirnie Regina fidei Defensor &c et Tricessimo nono
Im primis | |
His purse & his Apparell | xxs |
Item the Lease of the howse | xxs |
Ite ii Beddsteads two matteresses three Coverletts ii pillowes & one blanckett | xxxs |
Ite sixe Chushings | xviiid |
Ite ii paire of flaxe sheetes | xiiis iiiid |
Ite four more paire of harden sheetes & ii paire of … of hempe sheetes | xxxiiis |
Ite fowre Boorde Clothes ii flaxen one of midline & the fourth of harden | ixs vid |
Ite three pillowe beres one towel & fyve napkyns | vis |
Ite one Cownter table fowre Arcks & one forme in the parlor | xxs vid |
Ite painted Clothes in the parlor & in the haule | viis |
Ite Skepts Scuttles with other things in the Chamber | xs |
Ite one Cubberde iii Candlesticks with pewter & one Chafen Dishe | xxxs |
Ite 3 Brasse potts & pans | xls |
Ite iii Bords one forme ii cheares iii stooles & one wodden plancke | vis |
Item one … or dishe … with other things in the howse | xiis |
Ite three kyne & ii heafers | ix li |
Ite sheepe | iiii li 5s 4d |
Item 4 hives | xiiis iiiid |
Ite two swine … | xiiis iiiid |
Ite fowre fence fleaks with pales gates & Doores that maye be removed | xxs |
Ite one Aker of Barelie & three Roods of pease | xls |
Ite one fyer Iron one fier Gallowes & recinge two hatchets & a spit | iiiis |
Ite iii hennes & a cocke | xxd |
Praysed by Richard Rowse his marke
John Wright his marke
Thomas Yearwodd his marke
John Bakon his marke
Thomas Towers is marke
Summ total xxx li vis vid
Probate 17 June 1597