William Cooke of Eaton 1592 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/213/48
In the name of god Amen 1591 the xvith of September I Willm Cooke of Eaton in the countye of Leycyter Sheaparde sike in bodye but holle in mynde And of good And perfytt remembrance prayse be unto god doe make & ordayne this my last will and testament in manner And forme followinge
Fyrste I comytt my sowle into the hands of Allmighty god And my bodye to the earthe Frome whence yt came
Item I gyve to my brother Thomas vis viiid
Itm I gyve to my Brother in lawe Thomas Patchett xxs
Itm I gyve to my brother Dalbye xxs
Itm I gyve to my sister Kellams chydlren to be equallye devided Amongest them xxs
Itm I gyve to my brother Rycharde Cooke of Muston All that he doth owe me & All that he hath in hys hands At this tyme
The rest of All my goodes both moveable And unmoveable my detts legacis & my funerall dyscharged I gyve them hollye to my Brother Edward Cooke whom I make mye full And sole executer of this my last will & testament
Wyttnesses hearof Willm Teater [?] And Rycharde Wyllson
Probate Leicester 24 June 1592