John Corner of Ab Kettleby 1714 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1714
In The Name of God Amen I John Cornor of Eketelby Lodge in the parish of Melton Mowbray in the County of Leceister Sheepard being of good & perfect memory for which I Bless god, doe therefore make & ordaine this my Last Will & testament
Imprimis I give & bequeath my Soule to Almighty [“God” missing] who gaive it mee & my body I Committ to be bureid
Item I give & bequeath to my Loveing Brother Will Cornor the Sum of five pounds
I give to my Brother George Cornor the Sum of 5 Shillings
I likwise give to my Sister Eliz Cornor the Sum of five Shillings
I likewise give to my Sister Easter Lamson the Sum of five Shilling
I likwise give to my Sister Mary Steans the Sum of five Shillings
I give unto my Loveing Brother Tho Cornor after my Departure out of this life all that I was possesed of goods & Chattels he paying thes Small Legueces & seeing me Decently Buried
I make my Brother Thomas Cornor my Soule Exueter
I put my hand to this to be my last will & testament being the thirteen day of December 1711
Witnes my hand
John Cornor marke
Signed & Sealed in the presence of us
Valentine Garland
John Disnal his marke
Probate 6 April 1714 to brother Thomas Corner