John Corner of Hose 1832 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1834/36 [sic]
This is the last Will and Testament of me John Corner of Hose in the county of Leicester Blacksmith as follows
First I direct my just Debts legacies funeral and testamentary expences to be fully paid
I Give unto my Daughter Dorothy the wife of William Warren of Denton the sum of twenty pounds
Unto my Daughter Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Patchett of Hose aforesaid the sum of twenty pounds
Unto my Daughter Mary Corner the Sum of Thirty pounds
Unto my Daughter Sarah the wife of Leonard Gibson of Hose aforesaid the sum of thirty pounds
And unto my two Sons Robert and Thomas Corner the Sum of Fifty pounds apiece
All which said several legacies I will shall be paid to each of them the said legatees within six months after my decease by my Executor hereinafter named
And I do hereby expressly subject and charge all and every my Real and Personal Estate hereinafter devised and bequeath unto my Son John Corner with the just and true payment of all the said legacies above bequeathed
I Give Devise and bequeath All my Messuages Cottages Closes Lands and Hereditaments situate standing lying and being in Hose aforesaid or elsewhere with the Kingdom of England with the Appurtenances and all my Personal Estate and effects of what nature or Kind soever the same may be (except the best feather Bed in my best Chamber which I hereby Give unto my said Daughter Mary Corner) subject to the Payment of my just Debts legacies funeral and testamentary expences unto my Son John Corner his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever
And I do hereby nominate and appoint my said Son John Corner Sole Executor of this my last Will and testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me made
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Twenty ninth day of November One thousand eight hundred and fourteen
The mark and Seal of John Corner
Signed sealed published and declared by the said John Corner the testator as and for his last Will and testament in the presence of us who have at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other set our hands as witnesses to the due execution thereof the Interlineation between the eighteenth and nineteenth lines from the top thereof being first written
Elizabeth Clarke
Thos Clarke
Wm Clark
Whereas I John Corner of Hose in the county of Leicester Blacksmith have made and duly executed my Last Will and testament in writing bearing date the twenty ninth day of November one thousand eight hundred and fourteen now I do hereby declare this present writing to be a Codicil to my said Will and to be taken as part thereof
I do hereby give unto my two Daughters Dorothy and Elizabeth the Sum of ten pounds apiece in addition to what I have bequeathed to them by my said will And I further direct that my two Sons Robert and Thomas Corner shall have and receive only Forty pounds apiece instead of Fifty pounds apiece given them be my said Will
And I do ratify and confirm my said Will in all the other particulars thereof
In Witness whereof I have to this my Codicil set my hand and Seal this first day of November 1825
The mark and Seal of John Corner
Signed sealed published and declared by the said John Corner as and for a Codicil to his last Will and Testament and to be taken as part thereof In the presence of us
Elizabeth Clarke
Thos Clarke
Wm Clark
Aug 20 1832
Let a probat be granted to John Corner of Hose Blacksmith sole Executor named in the Will of John Corner who died at Hose on the thirteenth day of February last past
He the said John Corner being duly sworn as well to the faithful execution of the will as that the Testator’s Goods, Chattels & Credits, as they were at his death, without deducting any Debts owing by him therefrom did not amount in value to the sum of one hundred pounds
Before me William Greenwood Surrogt to the Commissady
15th Sep 1832
Will & Codicil exhibited before the Rev Richard Davies Clerk BD & Surrogate & Probate decreed to pass Seal in the presence of
John Stockdale Hardy Actuary & Dep Registrar
Same Day Probate dated