Agnes Cross of Holwell 1586 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1586/31
In the name of God Amen The xxvth daie of June in the yeare of our Lord God 1586 & the xxviiith yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Elilzabeth by the grace of God of England France & Ireland Quene defender of the faith &c I Agnes Crosse of Holwell in the Countie of Leic widowe beinge of whole mynde & in good & perfecte remembrance praised be god therefore make & ordaine this my present Testament contayninge therein my last will in manner & forme followinge
First I comende my soule into the hands of Almightie God maker of heaven & Earth & of all things conteyned therein assuringe my selfe of eternall salvation thorowe Christ Jesus our Savior knowinge to be saved through him & by no other meanes & my bodye to be buried in the parish church of Abkettlebye assuring my selfe also that this same my bodye shall rise againe at the last daie unto Eternall life
Item I geve & bequeth unto Agnes Cawnte two paire of sheets a coverled a boulster two towells two platters a candlestick & a brasse pott
Itm I geve to Jone Crosse a yearelinge Calfe worth xvis or else xvis & one paire of sheets
Itm I geve to my three daughters vs
Itm I geve to Agnes Crosse one yewe sheepe
The rest of my Goods unbequethed I geve to my sonne Nicholas whome I make my full Executor of this my last will & Testament
These being witnesses John Hurst John Bailye & Wm Caunte with others
Probate 13 October 1586
The Inventorie of all the Goods Cattells & Debtes of Agnes Crosse of Hollwell in the County of Leicester wydowe deceassed praised by John Bailye Wm Cawnte with others
First ii brasse potts price | xs |
Itm iii pannes | xs |
Itm v peeces of pewter with ii candlesticks | iiis 4d |
Itm ii Cupboards | vs |
Itm ii mattrisses, ii coverleds one old featherbed with a boulster | xxxs |
Itm iii bedsteds iii coffers with an old prasse | xxs |
Itm v paire of harden sheets, ii board clothes with ii towells | xxs |
Itm ii kyne | xlvis viiid |
Itm i Acre of Rye | xiiis iiiid |
Itm ii Acres of Barley | xxvis viiid |
Itm in pullen | iiis iiiid |
Summa | ix li viiis iiiid |