Robert Cross of Holwell 1581 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicester Register Books 24 Will 36
In the name of god Amen A Thousand fyve hundereth Eightye one The fouretenthe day of Aprill and in the three and Twenteth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of Englande Frannce and Irelande Queene defender of the faith &c I Robte Cross of Holwell in the Countye of Leic husbandman being sicke of bodye but whole in mynde thanks be given unto god therefore Doe make, ordayne institute and appoynte this my Last will and Testament in manner and forme following
Firste I geve and bequeathe my soule unto Almightye god the father, the sonne, and the holy ghoste three persons and but one god, and doe truste to be saved by his bloode sheadinge and by noe other meanes and my bodye to be buryed in the parishe Churche of Abkettlebye
Itm I give and bequeathe unto Bartholmewe Cross the sonne of John Crosse A Ewe and a Lambe and a yearlinge Calve and halfe a quarter of Barley and a foole
Itm I give to Agnes Cawnte the daughter of Willm Cawnte one Cowe my Sonne Nicholas to Chuse Two and she to take the thirde and one Ewe and a Lambe and a Redd Cofer and xiiis iiiid
Itm I give to Johan Cross the daughter of John Crosse one Ewe and a Lambe
Itm I give to everyone of my Childrens Children iiiid
Itm I give to every one of my godchildren iiiid
Itm I give to Bartholmewe Crosse my sonne my paire of quearnes
Itm I give to Robte Crosse my sonne xiiis iiiid to be paid unto him one yeare after my decease
Itm I give to Nicholas Crosse my sonne ii yron bounde Carts and Carts geares plowes and plowe geares and all my hovells and all my draughte Beasts
Also I give to Nicholas my sonne all my Croppe both in the feilde and in the Towne savinge that my wife shall have yearly ii Acres of Barley and one Acre of Rye of the best Corne that any by her Appoynted can Chuse the said Nicholas to plowe and sowe the same as well as he doth his owne
Itm I give to Nicholas my sonne one table my greate brasse potte
Itm I give unto him all my Sheepe and all my kyne saving that my wife shall have Two of the best
Itm I give to Agnes my wife and Nicholas my sonne my halfe of the farme during my Lease
Itm I give to Nicholas my sonne my greate brasse pott Itm I give unto him one table one Chaire ii formes one fyer yron with Reckons and all the spits and Cobyrons
Itm I give to Agnes my wife all my houshold stuffe
Itm I give to Marye Cross the Daughter of Bartholmewe Crosse one Lambe
Itm I give to every one of my sonnes and daughters xiid a yere
Itm I give to John Rest the sonne of Hughe Rest and Lambe hogge
Itm I give to Thomas Cawnte the sonne of Wm Cawnte a Lambe hogge
Itm I give to John Rest the sonne of Hewghe Rest A Lambe hogge Jane Crosse the daughter of Bartholmewe Cross a Lambe hogge Robert Crosse the sonne of John Crosse a Lambe Hogge
Itm I give to Jane Crosse the daughter of Bartholmewe Crosse A Lambe hogge
Itm I give to Elizabeth Holte the daughter of Raphe Holte A Lambe hogge
Itmm I give to John Handley a Lambe hogge
Itm I give to John Crosse my sonne a Cowe or else xxvis viiid
Itm I make Robert Crosse and Nicholas Crosse my sonnes my Executors of this my Last will and Testament and I give to Robert for his paynes iis
Itm I make John Hurste Wm Cawnte and John Baylye overseers of this my testament and I give for theire paines xiid a peece
And the rest of my goods unbequeathed I give to Nicholas my sonne
These beinge witnesses Wm Hurste Wm Cawnte and John Baylye and others