Robert Cross of Holwell 1601 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/223/64
In the name of God Amen The Sixte Daie of Februarie 1601 & in the xliiiith yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god Queene of England Frannce and Ireland Defendor of the faith &c I Robte Crosse of Holwell in the Countie of Leicester husbandman beinge sicke in bodye, but of good & perfect remembrance praised be god therefore do make and ordaine this my last will & Testament in maner & fourme followinge
First I comend my Soule to Almightie god maker of heaven & earth &c and my bodye to be buried in the Churchyard of Abkettlebye
Item I will that Margarit my wife shall have the thurde parte of the farme whiche I nowe dwell in during the tyme of my lease, & corne to sow her thurde parte of Land this yeare, & Twentie shillings in money, and this to stand for her whole parte & portion
Item I geve & bequeath unto Robte Crosse my Sonne tenne pounds to be first sett out of all my goods
Item I geve to Charles Molton my sonne in lawe one lambe hogge
Itm I geve to Anthony Molton one lambe hogg
Itm to John Molton one lambe hogg and to Marie Molton one lambe hogge
Itm I will that all the rest of my goods unbequeathed (my Debtes paid & my funerall expenses discharged) shall be equallie devided betwene Robart Crosse my sonne, Alice & Margerie my daughters by even portions
Itm I make & ordaine John Hurst thelder John Hurst the yonger & John Bealie the Executors of this my last will & Testament
These being witnesses Thomas Neale vicar of Abkettlebye & Edward Cawnte with others
Probate 16 February 1601/2