Hugh Daft of Long Clawson 1573 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1573
In the name of god Amen in the yeare of oure lorde god mdlxxi the ix daye of Aprell in the xxi yeare of the reign of Elizabethe by the grace of god queene of England France and Ierlande Defender of the feaythe &c wytnessythe that I Hewe Dafte of Claxton husbandman being syke in body and of good and perfecte remembrance doe ordene and make thys my laste wyll and testament in manner and forme hereafter following
Fyrst I bequethe my sole to allmightie god my maker and redemer and my body to be buried in the Churche yarde of Claxton my paryshe churche
It I beqethe to the mother churche of Lyncolne iid
It I bequethe to the pore mans boxe in Claxton iid
It I geve to Jone my dowghter a ewe after the decease of Emmotte Dafte my wyfe
Allso I geve the sayd Jone ii brasse pannes a lome ii puter platters after the decease of my wyffe
Allso I geve the sayd Jone a weate lande at … tyme nexte after my decease
It I geve to Jone my dowghter one shepe hogge and a towel after the decease of Emmotte Dafte my wyffe
It I bequethe to Agnes my dowghter a cowe and my sone Richarde Dafte to geve hyr a heffer at the daye of hyr marrege
It I beqethe to Annes my dowghter ii potts and too brasse pannes a lome a kymnell a lytel … after the decease of my wyfe
It I geve to Annes my dowghter … … vi puter dyshes a lytel borde … dyshe one arke called hyr fathers after the decease of my wyffe
It I geve to Annes Dafte my dowghter one payre of flaxen shetes one borde clothe too towels iii pyllowes too bolsters after the decease of my wyfe
It I geve to Annes my dowghter a yowe wythe lambe
It I geve to Annes Wylborne a yowe hogge and a payre of harden shetes one lome after the decease of my wyffe
It I bequethe to Annes Dafte a matteres a coverled a blanckette a candyllstycke and a … after the decease of Emmet Dafte my wyfe
It I beqethe to Emmet Dafte my wyfe halfe the state of my farme during hyr lyfe & the other halfe of my farme I geve to Rycharde Dafte my sonne
It I geve to Emmotte Dafte my wyfe and Rycharde Dafte my sone all the reste of my gudds unbequethed equally devided betwyxte them
It I ordene and mayke Emmotte Dafte my wyfe and Rycharde Dafte my sonne full exequitors of thys my laste wyll and testiment
It I ordene and mayke Robarde Dafte my brother and Robarde Cawnte the Supervisers of thys my laste wyll and testiment & every of them to have vid for ther paynes
Thes wytnesses Christofer Goodwin vicar Thomas Lyners Robarde Cawnte Jhon Manchester
Thys ys the trewe Invetory off all the goodds and catteles of Hewe Dafte lately Decessed prysed and valued the xii daye of October by Thomas Lyners Thomas Forthe [?] and Robarde Cawnte
Imprimis iiii mayres & a fylle | v l |
It ii folles | xxs |
It ii kye & ii heffers | iii l |
It xi shepe | xxiis |
It vi lambes | viis |
It all the croppe of corne & heaye | vl vis viiid |
It the weate sowen | vis viiid |
It the carte & carte geares the plowe & plowe gears | xxs |
It the plowe tymber | iiis iiiid |
It the hovel geares & one harro | vis viiid |
It ii swine & all the pullen | xs |
It the brasse potts & pannes | xxvis viii |
It the puter | vs |
It the cope borde wythe other implements in the howse | xs |
It a leade wythe the tubbes & colles | xxs |
It ii coffers ii bedde steades & paynted clothes | vs |
It all the napen wayre in the parler | xls |
It hys apperell | vis viiid |
Itm … bease this line was added in a different hand and is not included in the total | xxl vs |
Summa totalis xxiii l xs viiid |