Robert Daft of Long Clawson 1584 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1584/78
In the name of god Amen in the yeare of our Lord god 1582 the ii day of February and in the xxiiith yeare of the raygne of Elizabeth by the grace of god Quene of England, France and Ireland defender of the fayth etc witnesseth that I Robert Dafte of Claxton in the countye of Leic husbandman being sicke in bodye but of goode & perfect remembrance lawde & prayse be geven to almightye god do make and ordayne this my laste will and testament in manner & fourme following
First I bequeath my soule to almighty god my maker and redemer & my body to be buried in the churcheyarde of Claxton my parishe churche & I geve unto the pore mans boxe iiiid
Also I geve to Richard Dafte my sone xiiis iiiid & a rode land of wheate for his chylder parte
Also I geve & bequeath to Willm Dafte my sone xiiis iiiid & A yarde land of wheate for his chylder parte
Also I geve & bequeath to Thomas Dafte my sone A Yonge redd cowe an ewe hogge and A wether hogge for his chylder parte
Also I geve and bequeath to John Dafte my sone A pyde cowe & iii sheepe A sheare hogge An ewe hogge and A wether hogge and also the best brasse potte iiii puter dishes A cofer A roode of wheate And a roode of barley
Also I geve & bequeath to Margarett my wyfe halfe the state of my farme during hir widowehode with Robert Dafte my eldest sone so that she shall not let or set any parte therof to any person or persons in any wyse … from my sone Robert Dafte
And also I will that Robert Dafte my sone shall have the other halfe of my farme with Margarett my wyfe and after the deceasse of my wife I will that Robert Dafte my eldest sone shal have al my right and tytle with the Indenture of my sayd farme during my yeares therein contained
Also I geve & bequeath the reste of my goods and cattells unbequeathed to Margarett Dafte my wyfe & Robert Dafte my sone equallye to be devyded betwixt them provyded alwayes that I will that Margarett my wife shall not have any parte of the Draughte at hir deceasse
Also I ordayne and make Margarett Dafte my wyfe and Robert Dafte my eldest sone executours of this my laste will & testament And I make & ordayne Richard Hoberd and Richard Dafte my kinsmen the supervisors & overseers of this my laste will and testament and I geve to eyther of them vid for their paynes
Theis being witnesses Christopher Goodwin Vicar Richard Hoberde and Richard Dafte
Probate 18 July 1584
A trewe Inventorye of al the mooveable and imooveable goods of Robert Dafte late deceassed of Claxton within the countye of Leic husbandman taken and priced the xxvth daye of Februarye Ano dni 1583 by theis men under written
Robert Caunt thelder Henry Houlte Willm Robenson & Richard Hoberd
Imprimis his purse with his apparel | xxs |
Itm one yoke of oxon | vi li |
Itm one yoke of steares | iiii li |
Itm two bullock calves | xxs |
Itm two kyne | iii li vis viiid |
Itm two other kyne | xlvis viiid |
Itm one calfe | vis viiid |
Itm one mare | xiiis iiiid |
Itm seventene shepe | iii li vis viiid |
Itm one Wayne | xls |
Itm Plowes, yokes, harrowes, teames, with suche like implements | xxs |
Itm Ladders with other offal wooded | xxs |
Itm Coales with other fewell | xxs |
Itm Fleakes & hovell geare | xiiis iiiid |
Itm Wheate & rye in the Towne & feelde | iiii li |
Itm Barley & maulte | xls |
Itm Peaze | xls |
Itm Haye | xls |
Itm Horssehecks & neates staules | xiiis iiiid |
Itm one bruing leade | vis viiid |
Itm fower Pigges | xs |
Itm Pullen | iiis iiiid |
Itm Bacon | xxs |
Itm three cofers | vis |
Itm one Amberye | iiiis |
Itm one matrysse two coverledds two boulsters with ii or iii litle pillows | xxs |
Itm one bedstidde with al the Linnens | xxxs |
Itm Tables and Peales with other wooden stuffe in the kychen | vs |
Itm Irons within the chimney | vs |
Itm Brasse pottes, pannes, candlesticks with al suche like brasse | xxxs |
Itm twelve puter dishes | xs |
Itm Tables, fourmes, stooles, one chere and one dishe pen | iiis iiiid |
Itm seven cushins | iiiis |
Suma tolis | xlvi li iiiis |