Robert Daft of Hickling 1686 Will and Inventory
Nottinghamshire Archives PR/JW/2/15
In the name of God Amen I Robert Daft of Hickling in the County of Nottingham shepherd being sick and weake in body but of sound mind and memory praised be my God therefore Doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and form following
And first I bequeathe my soul to Almighty God the giver of it trusting that he will pardon all my sins and bestow upon me salvation for the sake and merit of Jesus Christ my dear Lord and Saviour, and my body to the earth from whence it came to be decently buryed at the discretion of my executors hereafter named
And for my worldly estate with which the Lord hath been pleased to bless me I give and dispose of it as followeth
And first I give unto George Fisher of Hickling aforesaid clerk and John Collishaw of the same town yeoman and to their heirs for ever my mansion house barns, stables, yards gardens and closes and half an oxgang of land with all meadows leyes and common and all manner of appurtenances belonging to the sayde house and half oxgang of land to be used and disposed of for the benefit of my children according to their judgements and discretions and according as my children behave themselves and are sober and hopefull and doe give them power to charge my house and land with twenty and five pounds to be paid as a portion out of the land to him that hath not the land by him that George Fisher and John Collishaw their heirs and Executors and administrators shall see fit to settle the land upon, and my will is that my two sons shall have the rent issues, and profit of my house and lands so long as John Collishaw and George Fisher shall judge necessary and convenient and that shall have two shillings yearly out of the profits of the sayde house and land, till five and twenty pounds be payed from out of the sayde house and lands and if my trustees see fit that my eldest son William Daft should have it, and my will is that my trustees shall set and appoint to the time for the payment of the sayde twenty and five pounds and receive all the result and profits of my land till they judge my children capable of managing it themselves, and I doe appoint them their heirs and executors guardians of my children and my lands till my son William Daft arrives at the age of six and twenty years old
Itm I give my daughter Jane Daft the sum of fifteen pounds to be payed her at her day of marriage if she marry with the consent of George Fisher and John Collishawe and their heirs or two years after my death
The rest of my goods and chattels I give to be equally divided among my three children my debts and funeral charges being defrayed and I do make John Collishaw above sayde sole executive of this my last will and testament in witness thereof I have set to my hand and seal the forth day of January 1686 [1686/7]
The mark of Robert Daft
Signed sealed published and declared in the presence of us who have subscribed our names in the presence and sight of the testator
John Sutton
The mark of George Daft
The mark of Richard Burrowes
A true and perfect inventory of all the goods cattell and chattells of Robert Daft of Hickling in the County of Nottingham shepherd taken and appraised by us whose names are under written the 26th day of January in the second year of the Reign of our gracious Sovereign Lord James the second King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith &c Anno Domni 1686
£ | s | d | |
Imprimis his purse and apparel | 8 | 12 | 6 |
Item fire iron and frogs & hookes and other ould iron | 00 | 2 | 6 |
Item pewtar and bras | 00 | 12 | 0 |
Item lininge | 00 | 17 | 0 |
Item one chest one little tabel two chairs two boxes and all other implements | |||
in the chamber | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Item one coverled three blankets a bolstar | 1 | 8 | 0 |
Item in the house one table one cubard | 1 | 6 | 8 |
Item one bed and matteris one wooll bed | 00 | 10 | 0 |
Item in bond | 10 | 0 | 0 |
Item in money out of bond | 04 | 18 | 6 |
Things unseen | 00 | 00 | 4 |
Item fore strike of barley | 00 | 6 | 0 |
Sum | 29 | 13 | 06 |
George Hargraves
William Smalley
Bond, bound John Collishaw yeoman of Hickling, George Fisher of Hickling and John Sutton, condition John Collishaw to execute will and produce inventory.
John Collishaw
G Fisher
John Sutton